If you want something done right...

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... you have to do it yourself. Or at least, DON'T leave it to Interplay. Fallout 3 has been a long time in coming, and frankly, I think Feargus and his ilk are more excited about seeing how far they can stick their own thumbs up their collective asses than they are about the prospect of doing some actual work and turning out something that can please gamers who require substance (as opposed to smashing dungeon zombie #147's head in with a warhammer to retrieve the Golden Chamberpot of Amn).

On the other hand, let's take a look at the Fallout community, shall we?. We've got, to overgeneralize: the jaded, pedantic intellectuals, the braindead me-too'ers/FO Footsloggers, and the loony, cynical artsy types. I would say that we all, in varying degrees, display aspects of each of these personas. And what do they all share in common? None of them are very fun to put up with when they get it in their head to be confrontational. In my travels from FO3 MB to MB, all I've really seen in the way of action is the occaisional murmur of a petition, or a sharply worded rant that some BIS stockboy may at best take three minutes to skim dismissively. I say, actions speak louder than words.

I know that there's very little that WE can do (very little POSITIVE action, at least) to show BIS how bad they need to make this game, but I say that we as fans and devotees have an obligation to the franchise, if not the company, to put out a bit of an effort. First, SOMEONE (and I know this is a bit hypocritical, but for reasons I don't care to go into, it can't be me) has to put together a timeline/back history. We don't want FO3 to have any of the grievous continuity errors displayed in FO:T and, to a lesser extent, FO2. I know that Yamu did some stuff on the subject, although inconsequential and erroneous, and Bluepencil (of The Illuminati, I believe) strung together a comprehensive alternate history of the Wasteland, so perhaps a good place to start with that would be at The Annunaki or The Illuminati.

At the same time, we need to be deciding (NOT just debating and speculating) about what we want/need this game to be. We need to make it clear, in strong standing, that we DON'T want another FO:T storyline debaucle, and that they need to tone down some(!) of the camp in FO:2 to let the original glory shine through. Nothing too game-specific, or we'll just be coming off as fanboys/girls.

Rather than the usual rants (like this one) and flames, the thing to do is to catch the ear of someone at BIS who is posessed of a lick of sense. If such a golden child exists, someone intelligent and even-tempered (Rosh definitely qualifies as the former, and comes closer than a lot of us on the latter) needs to strike up a meaningful correspondence with them. Not necessarily about FO3, not at first. Just to get inside their circle of defense. Alternately, it would also be a good idea if possible to get in touch with Tim Cain/Troika. It's feasible they'd be willing to do another FO, the right way, if all that burned them out on it in the first place was BIS' bungling ministrations with FO2.

There also needs to be established a serious site/group to spearhead the FO3 movement. None of this "FO3 needs to have a supergauss rocket enema" shit, but a REAL site. One where like-minded individuals can share info on BIS and FO3, where petitions could be based, and where the populace would make a positive effort rather than give each other high-fives over the latest "Feargus is an ass" jokes. I mean, I KNOW we could do all that here, and in fact DO do most of it here, but a prominent, proffessional-quality site devoted SPECIFICALLY to such endeavors would speak a little louder to I-Play than one little cul-de-sac on a general FO site- every FO fanpage has one of those.

And for God's sake, we as a community need to be coming off as more friendly and less stand-offish. I know that Interplay hasn't exactly done us right lately, but what chance does FO3 have of being made right if it's fanbase is a defensive cabal out for the blood of the BIS developers? If we strive to be a little less snyde, that would speak volumes in itself. With a burgeoning collective of artists, intellectuals, and genial supporters on one side, and the precipice of plummeting stock prices on the other, the right choice for BIS would be made that much more self-obviating.

Well, that's just about allI have to say for now. I know that I SHOULD be doing all of this myself if I'm so passionate about the subject, but I just can't. I don't have the time or the means to oversee something like that. But we, as a unified whole, do. I am also aware that what I have set out here has all been said before, and that it's mostly just nebulous concept. But every baby step we take brings us closer to definitive action, on our part AND on BIS's. The Annunaki, The Illuminati, and Steel Paladin would probably all be willing to chip in on histories, back stories, and even projected plotlines. There are people all over this very site, not to mention v13 and other communities, who would be willing to garner support, write letters, compile data, and what-have-you. There's a lot of potential here. It lacks only direction.

(Okay, flame away. And I KNOW you will...)
Nice rant. This is my two cents.

>>First, SOMEONE (and I know this is a bit hypocritical, but for reasons I don't care to go into, it can't be me) has to put together a timeline/back history. We don't want FO3 to have any of the grievous continuity errors displayed in FO:T and, to a lesser extent, FO2. I know that Yamu did some stuff on the subject, although inconsequential and erroneous, and Bluepencil (of The Illuminati, I believe) strung together a comprehensive alternate history of the Wasteland, so perhaps a good place to start with that would be at The Annunaki or The Illuminati.<<

On it's way! Lockout is currently writing a *full* history (and I mean full... prewar to the present and many other things he found in the DATs that we don't know about) of the Wasteland. He is putting his spin on it to a certain extent but that is understandable. It is written as a journal entry style and, from what I have seen thus far, looks quite promising.

>>Rather than the usual rants (like this one) and flames, the thing to do is to catch the ear of someone at BIS who is posessed of a lick of sense. If such a golden child exists, someone intelligent and even-tempered (Rosh definitely qualifies as the former, and comes closer than a lot of us on the latter) needs to strike up a meaningful correspondence with them. <<

I talk to a few of the Admins of the various sites and they seem to talk to people in IP and BIS on a slightly regualr basis. One of them even has ::gasp:: friends inside the publisher!

I don't know if this helps or hurts any... but be that as it may, it is already in place.

>>There also needs to be established a serious site/group to spearhead the FO3 movement. None of this "FO3 needs to have a supergauss rocket enema" shit, but a REAL site. One where like-minded individuals can share info on BIS and FO3, where petitions could be based, and where the populace would make a positive effort rather than give each other high-fives over the latest "Feargus is an ass" jokes. I mean, I KNOW we could do all that here, and in fact DO do most of it here, but a prominent, proffessional-quality site devoted SPECIFICALLY to such endeavors would speak a little louder to I-Play than one little cul-de-sac on a general FO site- every FO fanpage has one of those.<<

I really have wanted to do this for some time now. Hell, had I the money and a good set of graphics design skills I would do it. Maybe I should throw this out to see what you others think...

IF- and this is a big IF- I can get a team together I will help to create this website. I already have the Annunaki site but one more website ain't gonna kill me if I don't have to do it all myself.

I am a proven webmaster and with assistance I don't mind pulling some extra weight and doing this if it helps us get Fallout 3.

All interested parties e-mail me at: traven@annunakiguild.net

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
I once shared much of the same enthusiasm and views, but it's been tarnished over time.

The routine carrots dangled, the perpetual prolification of material that just doesn't seem to fit into Fallout spoken by the lead of BIS themselves (check the Terra-Arcanum.com forums).

Many admins have inside connections, including myself. In fact, quite a few people inside Interplay and in BIS, though I never name names or tell information that can be directly linked to them. Let's just say that quite a few aren't happy with the conditions there, and that any vitriol directed at Irvine, Calif. is very well-deserved.

You see, Interplay is likely destined for death. Instead of going with how the gaming industry works, they try to operate more like a book publisher that will try to push anything that looks promising. You would need a good number of digits to count the number of recent Interplay flops due to mediocre gameplay, shitty quality-control, and someone asleep at the wheel. They are thinking trends and 'me-too'ing is the way to go, from what Feargus has posted upon the T-A.com boards.

My darkest estimation and opinion at this point, is that they are waffling over the subject while waving a carrot, waiting long enough for 'common-belief' to work against the theme of Fallout so that more and more people will want trendy bullshit shoveled into Fallout 3 a la 3d, multiplayer, real-time, etc. Nevermind the setting and traits of the game, they want to perform an X-Com: Enforcer with the puppy. They know now that if they currently released something that wasn't true to canon, their ass would be Iguana-On-A-Stick within a month. Just look at how FOT was shot down and down hard.

My second estimation is that, considering Troika contains the core of the original Fallout devs, and since Fo2 wasn't quite the same or even close to the feel of Fallout 1 - that there might not be many people at BIS that understands what Fallout is. Perhaps they have been fed Feargus' rhetoric for too long. That's the single-most factor in what has the hackles up on part of the fansites, is that Feargus says 3d, multiplayer, and real-time as if it's the solution to everything, leading most experienced people to wonder if he knows why games like JA2 and Fallout are regarded the way they are.
BIS doesn't know what Fallout is...

... and water's wet, too. You a big fan of stating the obvious? :p

That's why I think that we, as the fanbase, need to spoon-feed them the game. If possible, I would even put together a volunteer staff to offer our services on game design, but I know that something like that is a little TOO ambitious (read: quixotic). Hell, I don't even know what I AM suggesting, and I freely admit that. But that's the kind of thing it takes more than one person to figure out. Call me old-fashioned, but I just think that a positive concerted effort would come a bit closer to doing the trick than a bunch of loosely affiliated, like-minded grumblers. I've been in contact with True Raven, and I don't want to shoot my mouth off promising the moon, but we're already in pre-planning.

And you, Rosh, are certainly possessed of the courage of your convictions. I think your tenacity, if not your outlook, is something that all serious fans should aspire to. Look out- on the outside chance that this beast gets off the ground, you may just get a knock at your door calling you to active duty... *impish smirk*
RE: BIS doesn't know what Fallout is...

Something I've been laying off, due to forum duties and other stuff, is putting together a canon doc, of what makes up Fallout. Not entirely every little bit of the history, you and TR can work on that, I was thinking more to what makes up the MEAT of the game. Method, Environment, Art, Technology. That is an acronym that I was given from a good friend of mine for basic game-design and I've stuck by it for some time. They are basic principles that make up a game, and they tie into each other quite well.

I can safely say that I know a good deal of what the setting of Fallout is, as well as what has made it up. All the components of the game put together, and reasons why. What some don't understand, is that is why the game did so well in the first place considering Diablo came out the same year or the year before! Plus, it's gotten many good reviews for being what it is. So why are the people in charge dismissing it for being "non-trendy" and "non-marketable"? This is a game, not a Home Shopping Channel dinnerware set.

Come to think about it, I might go ahead and start working on something concrete about this.
RE: BIS doesn't know what Fallout is...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-01 AT 05:56AM (GMT)[p]Shit, I really shouldn't have done this, but your email doesn't work, so I had to use my forum account to contact you. Please give me your real email address if you want to discuss this further:

...It's much easier to make a good fan game than to move a big corporation like Interplay for a quarter of an inch. A Fallout fans team of programmers (Roshambo being on the top of the list, if he is at least half as experienced as he claims to be), artists, and music/sfx guys can make a Fallout clone that, while not infringing Interplay's copyright, can have all the elements we loved in original Fallout 1 (and 2). There are some very big problems we'd have to overcome, such as design coordination and final product distribution, but if we really think we can do something as fans besides whining and verbal stone-throwing, we owe it to ourselves to at least TRY to do such a game.

I'm sure that if you think about this for a while, you'll see that "spoonfeeding" is degrading both for you and Interplay, and very unlikely to work...

This is good...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-01 AT 05:43PM (GMT)[p]This is just the kind of open exchange of ideas I was looking for. And yours is a good enough idea- hell, look at CounterStrike. That's just the kind of thing a fan-based effort can bring about, if it knows what it's doing. But for now, I think it would be a better idea not to let ourselves get bogged down too much in the mechanics of the future. I mean, whether I-Play would be putting the game together, or the fans would, the initial building blocks would be the same, right? Every possibility that we allow to be open to us, will be. That being said, I think the thing to do for now would just be to get something started. Where is it going? Fallout 3. How is it geting there? Hell if I know. But let's refrain from fretting about the architecture before we've even gathered the bricks and mortar.

After Edit: Oh, on the subject of my e-mail account, yamu21@usa.net, it doesn't exist anymore. That was the chief reason I posted as Boss Gauss - I signed that account up so long ago, I thought that it had my AOL addy listed. I suppose not. Since for the time being I've been consigned to the ninth circle of A-O-Hell, you can reach me at nilla925@aol.com
RE: This is good...

The way I see it is exactly this:

Give people a place to voice their opinions and weed out the moronic ones. I honestly believe everyone can come up with a good idea for Fallout 3 if they make an honest effort and not just pretend to have a fucking clue.

Rosh: I have been looking forward to some kind of doc by you about the Fallout Universe and what makes it tick. Whether it is a MEAT system or something different... makes no difference to me. I'd like to go through and read other people's opinions and use that to re-tool what I already know or think I know.

Since Boss Gauss and I are already brainstorming ideas (nothing increadibly serious, still just the foundation) I'd appreciate anyone with something they'd like to say or see included to E-Mail either of us. Again, this is in the planning stages and may be just a passing fancy... or it may not.

I said it before and I meant it, IF I get the team I need I'll push myself to get this done, but I really cannot do this alone and Boss Gauss doesn't have enough OL time to help me out as much as I'll need.

This would be an interesting project, so I hope I see some volunteering. If nothing else the fans can say that IP even had a website devoted to what Fallout 3 should be shoved in it's face and still ignored us. Funny how they want us to spend money on their games but they don't give a fuck about what we want it's it?

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: This is good...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-01 AT 08:33AM (GMT)[p]Yeah, pretty much the same, here.

I can throw together a few things as well, and start working on a number of aspects. Plus, it would be good to see the thoughts of others on this, yet I do have a preliminary core vision of it.

First off, we'd need to make a character system similar to but not completely like SPECIAL. It's owned by Interplay, of course. I've got some experience tooling around with character systems, I may be able to come up with something that may be passable and workable as well as write up a programming bland back-end for computing secondary stats as well.

Second, several decisions would have to be made, and perhaps we can go into those in a bit. I've made a forum for such (bottom of this conference, Private) to keep such posts off here, here to perhaps be used as a public 'handshaking'. In the Private area, we can toss notes, etc. without having to bother with email and keeping track of them. First on the agenda, would be compiling what could be considered canon, whether graphically represented or in a Wasteland text description, no matter. Some things are pretty basic, etc. I can allow people if they wish to join at a later time, but that forum is just basically a notepad.
RE: This is good...

Rosh I got this:

"Misc. Discussion" is a Private Forum
You do not have access rights to this forum. If you'd like to participate, please contact the forum administrator.

Thank you!

-when I tried to access the forum.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
RE: This is good...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-01 AT 04:02AM (GMT)[p]
That is odd, let me try something...

I changed both your username and Boss Gauss' to a _ between the names (True_Raven, Boss_Gauss). Sorry, and there's no other way to do it, really, as the authentication is really bitchy at times if there's a spacing in it. I'll try to obtain an updated version to see if it fixes it, or we'll end up using vBulletin when we get PHP support. Personally, I do like vBulletin, as it's quite customizable and functional, if not multi-threaded and has the occasional bug.
RE: This is good...

This all sounds interesting... A Fan-made game based on Fallout (or rather, a post-apocalyptic RPG). One thing I'd like to say first...

Who asked for Fallout? I mean, the original? I don't think anybody did. Yet, it was made by a bunch of people with a dream. They made it, released it and THEN everyone asked for the sequel. I think the same is for Arcanum (and every other game). Nobody asked for 'The Original' but after that, every Tom, Dick and Harry wants a piece of the action and throws up his own idea for 'The Sequel'. As such... 'The Sequel' seems to suck... I think fans should actually stay OUT of the development process (I think FOT was made because of several calls for an MMORPG Fallout by fans), mainly because fans are irrational.

Now that I've ranted... I'd be interested in contradicting my above comment and working on this. I'm not a programmer, I can't draw to save myself and I couldn't make a sound file even if you put a gun to my head... But, if you get a core program made and need some help typing/making dialogue for NPC's and doing the gruelling work of creating quests (depending on HOW you'd actually make a quest...) then drop me a line at darkunderlord@hotmail.com

I've got no idea what you're planning or what's going on but I'd sure as hell like to help out in any small way that I can.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
RE: This is good...

Thanks Roshambo. It took me a while to find it before I eventually logged-out, logged back in and then found the private forum under the 'Other Discussion' heading.... Anyway, I'll start posting my highly ambitious, mentally insane and ill-thought out suggestions there...

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
RE: This is good...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-01 AT 11:20PM (GMT)[p]Wow, now there is team work. It's good to see some fans taking matter into their own hands. It feels like we are practically swimming in talents, skills, and enthusiasm in this little forum of ours. Hey, it's christmas, you never know when a Miracle may happen esp. during this season of magicks.:) I am still hoping for my FOIII under my christmas tree.:D

But, seriously, it's hard not to get caught in the holiday spirit around here, esp. since it's snowing outside my window right now. There are advantages to living in high places. Any snow boarders here? Anyway, I am really glad to see something like this happening, because I am a long sufferer(is that a word?) of brilliant first rpgs, but follow by publisher cow milked second helpings.(BTW, DarkUnderlord, although I never mentioned it, I love your cow.;-))
I would also like to help in anyway I can. I can draw to some extent, because of my passion for asian anime. I don't think I can write as well as some of the talented members presented here, but I am willing to contribute in whatever corky way I can. I used to a excellent weapon designer as a techie in the old p&p rpgs I used to play. I also have a large library of the old school p&p rpgs I used to play and I bet some of the old gang maybe willing to help in contributing in creating some of the game mechanics. I don't have friends in BIS, or interplay, but I do have some friends who used to be in Mainframe. You know, the creator of Beastwars, Reboot, ShadowRaiders, and many other animated series. One of the original animator of the series is a good friend and has since striken out on his own. He funded the http://www.gamercollege.com/ with the help of some old friends in the industry. And he said if he got enough talents to work with and a good idea, he has the funding to make a game in the shop. I also have a few Chinese friends who are artistes that happen to share some of my interests.

If the group needs any help in bring this long awaited suffering projects to fruition, let me know, I will try to help in anyway I can.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: This is good...

>(BTW, DarkUnderlord, although I never mentioned it, I love your cow.)

Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the cow. That's one of the cows from 'Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura' http://www.arcanum1.com

I just made it into an animated .gif and added the words.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
RE: This is good...

MOST WONDERFUL! What happened to this idea?

I'm especially interested in timelines and the MEAT project. What's the status on those?