I'm bad at Fallout 2


First time out of the vault
I'm playing Fallout 2 with Kilap's patch. I've played the Fallouts before a few years ago and remember them fondly but I'm really sucking it up now.

I always play a solo character, usually a small guns sniper type.

I'm done with the Den and the toxic caves and I want to go east but I always get into a fight within two map squares and there's always like 10 enemies on the screen and they maul me and I just can't get anywhere.

I've played Fallout 2 a few years ago and I know I got a lot farther than this, what the hell's wrong? Changing the difficulty setting feels like cheating but I might have to do it now.

There's probably no real easy answer, any ideas though?

Wow this feels more like bitching than a question :D
The patch changes the frequency of encounters to match the travel speed on fast computers. If there's nothing on this in the readme, you should find more info here if you search.

Also, RC Cola was only marketed in Sweden a while in the 80s, so that takes me back a bit.
Yes I think that's the problem, thanks Per. I didn't even think the patch would affect something like that, but it makes sense the way it's explained.

Also I love your FAQ!