I'm building a new pc, help me so I don't asplode!

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- probably best use a smaller HDD for OS & programs, and a bigger one for data storage. if not, at least be sure to partition that 500gb drive...

- case looks like shit (and probably not very installfriendly), but that's your problem.

- not really a fan of buying a dx10 card atm, but it's your choice.

- i'd say you're better off going with 2gb of DDR2 PC6400 800Mhz memory (or higher). preferably around 4-4-4-15 timings, if possible. the memory that you posted has extremely bad bang for buck ratio.

- the soundcard is a mixed bag. still drivers problems with those. up to you to do the research. you might be better off using the on-board sound for a while until the smoke clears and then buying an add-on soundcard.

- as for the processor/mobo. if you do not intend to overclock at all, AMD and Intel are more or less equal (with a slight advantage for AMD). however, with an intel rig, you can get +40% to +70% overclocks with nearly no investment at all. if you buy good memory (PC6400 or higher), a cheap Intel CPU (E6300 for instance) and an higher midrange board (choosing the correct one will take some research though) with an intel 965 chipset (or an nforce with good FSB reputation, but those are more expensive), you'll get a much much much greater bang for buck. perhaps add better cooling. this intel generation is the least powerhungry, the coolest and the most reliable we've had. it would be a shame not to take a bite from that.

i'm going to burn in hell for posting toms hardware, but it was the first article i could find aimed at the noobies :)
Should I go full tower? I like that case, but I worry about size difficulties and the like.

Also, what size PS should I go?
Im very pleased with my case so i can recommend it. Its Antec p180.


I agree with SuAside on that its not a very good time to get a DX10 card at this moment. ATis new DX10 card (2900xt) aka r600 will be out in a few days.
I would wait and see how good it is compared to the 8800 serie. Im sure it will be better than the 8800GTS, but the big question is if it will be a match vs the 8800GTX and later on ULTRA.

Anyway wait just a few days and you will see what the 2900xt is made off.
keyser Soeze said:
Im very pleased with my case so i can recommend it. Its Antec p180.
indeed, a good case.

Stag said:
Why is it a bad time, other than the ATi release?
well, at the moment the nvidia dx10 cards are pretty hairy... if you're lucky everything works as it should, but in like 10% of the cases, you'll be drowned in driver and image quality problems.

the 8800 series drivers are still not what they should be (and i'm guessing that's mostly Mickeysoft's fault, not Nvidia). gotta love Vista!
Yeah, but as this is a new pc, I don't want to buy XP and then have to upgrade...It seems easier to just get vista in the first place.

And I don't really feel good about waiting a month or so for the ATi cards, which probably will have the same issues as Nvidia with vista...
Stag said:
Yeah, but as this is a new pc, I don't want to buy XP and then have to upgrade...It seems easier to just get vista in the first place.

And I don't really feel good about waiting a month or so for the ATi cards, which probably will have the same issues as Nvidia with vista...

Well the card is out like in two days so...

Nvidia have had like 6 months to fix their drivers and they haven't.

I have heard that the new ATi card should be good from day one. But there is no way of saying that its true of course.

Well do what you like :) Just dont start crying when you do realise x2900XT crushed 8800GTS... for around the same price tag. :lol:
keyser Soeze said:
I have heard that the new ATi card should be good from day one. But there is no way of saying that its true of course.
euhm, they pushed back the release like 3 times due to problems. i fear that expecting a perfect card straight out of the box is a pipedream.

still chances are it'll at least equal whatever nvidia has to offer.

its release might also start a little pricewar, which is always good.
SuAside said:
- case looks like shit (and probably not very installfriendly), but that's your problem.

case is plenty install friendly, I built a PC with the same one a while back and had no problems with it. Looks pretty slick too.
Stag said:
Why is it a bad time, other than the ATi release?
Well, not only that, but there aren't any DX10 games out. I'd personally wait a little until DX10 games come out, so you can get the whole performance picture. That, and when Crysis does come out, there has to be a refresh or two. :?
Yeah, I get the whole DX10 games (or lack thereof) thing, but it's still a good card, and it seems like a waste of money to get a DX9 game and then get DX10 card two months later. Plus, I can always just put my current card in should I need it.
Stag said:
Yeah, I get the whole DX10 games (or lack thereof) thing, but it's still a good card, and it seems like a waste of money to get a DX9 game and then get DX10 card two months later. Plus, I can always just put my current card in should I need it.
If your current card works with that mobo, then use it. It's better than buying a DX10 card now only to realise later that Crysis runs like a slideshow with it. :oops:
DailyTech has some benchmarks for the 2900XT, coming this month. I wish they would have thrown in some of the GTX benchmarks as well just to do a side by side comparison.


They also ran the XTX, with some incredibly disappointing results as you will see...Apparently the XTX is not coming til Q3, so maybe there's a driver issue to be sorted out.


Keep in mind that this is just one source's testing, so it's probably best to scope out other benchmarks when the card comes out.
Now why did you have to throw the Crysis shadow of doubt on me?

My current card is meh...I don't know how long I'll be happy with it. It's a 256mb Radeon X1300.
Those Bench don't say mutch.

Dailytech have had some questionable scoops before , and also there is not DX10 test, thats where it gets interesting.
Haven't been to Daily Tech much, so thanks for shedding light on their history of sometimes questionable benchmarking.