In-depth scripting question


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
For those of you who feel competent with scripting Fallout:
I can't seem to find out how to change my characters' apperance from starting tribal graphics to Vault 13 jumpsuit. I tried to find in Arroyo map scripts - nope. The closest thing I got was critter_art_set_base_fid or something like that, but it only works as long as I don't go into inventory or new map or so. Any ideas?
I've got some probelms with DAC forums, that's why I came here.
Yes, it was the movie, but only if it's played in map_enter_p_proc in the map script (I tried to play the movie in the dialog and then from a critter script, and none worked.)
When you play vsuit_movie you get instantly pipboy, but player graphics change when you exit map.
You can play it from eny script.
Really? I'll have to try that out. Maybe you would also know if it's possible to run load_map procedure from within a scritter script? If I remember correctly, I tried that, and - well - failed.
I think yes.
First you must export procedure from map script, and then it can be imported and used in any script.
Didn't quite get that. load_map is (at least I think it is) one of those hard-cored procedures (like set_local_var), which can be used in scripts without including any .h files at all. So why would there be any need to export/import such global procedure?
Ups sorry may mistake :oops: I was thinking about something and
and not realy read you post :).

Yes load_map can be used in eny script you want .
But it didn't work when I tried to run it from a dialog. I haven't tried it outside yet, but it seems that you must first close the dialog. Come to think of it, all original Fallout dialogs that put you to some other map first exited the dialog mode and only then the map change occured.
From what I understand you can replace the movie with a "blank" one if it's the same name, so when you call it in the script nothing will play but you'll still get the pipboy. What type of movie files Fallout uses and how to make a blank one though, I have no idea.
What i'm going to say is just an idea, and i'm not sure it'll work.
Maybe you should open (after having extract it) critter\art\critters\critters.lst and replace hmwarr(tribal hero model) with hmjmps(vaultsuit hero model) and do it so with female models (i don't know there name, but you can finf them with the mapper)

EDIT : apparently it doesn't work, i tried it...maybe replacing the frm of the tribal model with the suit frms, but after the stupidity i said higher maybe should i shut up myself...
You can define the look in the ddraw.ini:


This will change the default male and female body to the leather armor.

hmlthr, etc. are the critter / frm file names.