In response to the god gene...


Vault Senior Citizen

Found this to be interesting, that is all.



I like Nietzsche's idea of eternal return, I've said that before. It works for me. I like the idea that reality is structured like some big friggin' moëbius ring, something that goes on forever and is always the same, a pulsating universe. Endless repeat. You see repetitious patterns everywhere in life. In heart beats, in a slice of a tree trunk, in human behaviour, in music, in the seasons, the movement of the planets, time, DNA structure, atoms and molecules, language, history, breathing, work, the cycle of life itself getting born, growing up with people who are getting old, college, looking for something to fuck, looking for work, marrying and having kids who grow up while you get old enough and die while they go get something to fuck and so on. There's some small disturbances in all of them, like an occassional cough, or a typo or a meteor crashing down, you have a déja vu, you miss a heartbeat and sigh, your life turns out to be complete crap while your neighbour is rich and popular or vice versa. Reality striking a false note. Though, all in all it's all about repetition --with subtle variations on each level. The drag of daily life, the rise and fall of nations. Sex. The internet. It's everywhere. And you know why? Because repetition is the heart beat of the universe. It's the sound of cosmic boredom. And if everything is repeated somehow, then somehow life itself will be repeated as well, with most probably only minor differences. That works for me.

Religion can be found in scrabble.

And life is just pattern and chances, huh?
WaterGirl said:
So, explain how that is related to the God Gene...
Well, the "God-Gene" thread was about how some people are predisposed to finding religion. This is about somebody who found religion in something unusual.
I find it hard to miss the link.
Unless there is some other link between the two.