In what order does a hit resolve itself?


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone. New poster, but I've been coming on and off since I reinstalled FO1 and FO2 a couple weeks ago. Played FO straight through without thinking of mods, but decided that I'd mod FO2 once I beat FO again.

Anyways, I patched Killap's for the bugfixings, added Miria and decided that I don't want to modify it too heavily, I'm just going to add some new big guns (Curse you, dude_obj, I SO want to make some of those weapons, I'm drooling) and tweak the NPCs' stats a bit.

Well, I've spent a few days recording down all the information on NPCs and items, and now that I'm going to edit guns and bullets, it occurred to me that I don't know how hits are handled by the game.

So, for instance, I shoot a gauss rifle with 32-43 damage at someone with PA MkII, does min. damage go like:

32*DmgMult for initial damage, then -18 for Threshhold, then *DRmodified_for_armor-ammo? For a total min of 18. Or:

(32-Thresh)*DmgMult*DRmodified_for_armor-ammo for a total of 12.6?

And the same for the max.

Sort of wondering so I don't make grossly overpowered mistakes.
No one knows the exact formula used in the engine, but this thread might help. Searching might turn up more useful stuff. There's also the old ammo FAQ at Gamefaqs but it's almost guaranteed to not be 100% correct.