IN10 & smooth talker perk?


First time out of the vault
Does anybody know, is there any sense in taking SMOOTH TALKER perk(s) if your character has IN10. There were some rumors it grants you new dialogue options. Is it true?
Cuch said:
Does anybody know, is there any sense in taking SMOOTH TALKER perk(s) if your character has IN10. There were some rumors it grants you new dialogue options. Is it true?

It is no use, if you have IN10. SMOOTH TALKER perk raises your IN when you are in dialogue mode, which results a "new" dialogue options that can be seen also if you have high enough IN.
There are some scripts that check for this .... examples

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 65) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin

if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (is_success(roll_vs_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_CONVERSANT,0)))) then begin

But there are only 5 scripts that check for this ... out of ~ 1500 scripts
dude_obj said:
But there are only 5 scripts that check for this ... out of ~ 1500 scripts

Mind sharing which ones, or where they are used? It would be a good bit of info for walkthroughs and guides to know if there is something special for taking that perk.

If they ultimately have no use, then don't worry about it.
Roshambo said:
Mind sharing which ones, or where they are used? It would be a good bit of info for walkthroughs and guides to know if there is something special for taking that perk.

Definitely nothing special. Some of these perks are very disappointing. They have potential but the scripts don't use them enough.


if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (dude_charisma > 7) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75)) then begin
You made Jet? No way! That stuff is making a KILLING on the streets!

if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (dude_charisma > 7) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75)) then begin
How about I suggest a new circle to you? Mordino doesn't know talent when they see it - I do.

if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_SCIENCE) > 75)) then begin
I think you'd be surprised about how much I know about your amateurish hallucinogenic-amphetamine hybrid. I'm not convinced a child like you didn't just STUMBLE across it, Myron.

NCJIMMYJ.SSL (Jagged Jimmy J)

(Points at his scar.) I got this while I was stopping this one big UGLY son of a bitch from hitting this chick cuz she don't like the way he was touching her, right?

if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 50)) then begin
No shit? I don't think I'd have had the iron to step in like that. Hell, that man coulda KILLED you.


if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
I have to meet Jules by the front for a…special transaction.

if ((dude_charisma > 8 ) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
I have to go meet a friend and can't be late.

NCLLOYD.SSL (Pretty Boy Lloyd)

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
Calm down, friend, THEN we'll talk. Everything all right?

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
You sound like a man in trouble. I might be able to help you.

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
You look like a man in trouble, and I might be able to help you. What do you say?

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
Lloyd, Mr. Salvatore sent me here to get his money back and have me make an…example of you. It doesn't need to be that way...IF the two of us can come to an arrangement.


if ((dude_smooth_talker) or (is_success(roll_vs_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_CONVERSANT,0)))) then begin
His face reddens. He suddenly speaks to the air.) Excuse me, Mr. Salvatore, this is Mason. This man says he's got something you wanna hear.

if ((dude_charisma > 5) or (dude_iq > 5) or (has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
Look, dipshit do you still want to have your job tomorrow? I have some info about one of the other families in Reno that Mr. Salvatore's going to want to hear. So let me speak to him NOW.

NCRESEAR.SSL (Marjorie Reed, Stable Researcher)

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 65) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
Excuse me, but I was hoping YOU could show me around. I saw you standing over here and felt COMPELLED to talk to you. Perhaps after the tour we could have dinner?

if ((dude_charisma > 6) or (has_skill(dude_obj,SKILL_CONVERSANT) > 75) or (dude_smooth_talker)) then begin
Well, do you mind if I came by and picked you up after work then? No pressure just some dinner, some conversation. You look like someone who might need to take a little break from work. Things here must keep you very busy.
dude_obj said:
Definitely nothing special. Some of these perks are very disappointing. They have potential but the scripts don't use them enough.

Agreed. Thanks for the info, though.
Funny how all of those are in the New Reno area... coincidence? ;) Who do we owe them to?

Also: Did Rosh just make an "I agree" post?
Silencer said:
Funny how all of those are in the New Reno area... coincidence? ;) Who do we owe them to?

Having looked at many of the script sources, it's clear that many different people worked on them. While this isn't necessarily bad, there is a lot of obvious inconsistencies. Looks like Reno is the one area the scripters decided to do some speech perk checks. Some scripters don't even agree on how some of the commands work (which means: some checks don't actually check anything). Also, a few comments here and there would be nice, there are none. I have an 800 line program I was working on today at work, plenty of comments, hell I need them even to remind myself what is going on in the code .....
Having worked in databases before, I insist that people should keep a variable definitions and variable applications/relations table. It is one of the more vital aspects of program flow. When scripting, this should be expanded for entry points of scripting values and the resolution of them as well. With an in-development guidebook, as the programmers expand on the core of the project, this guidebook is shared and made universally known to the team. The end result is that your programmers and scripters are on the same page, especially if you annotate the handling code for said scripting's behavior into the guidebook as well.

No scripter should be a dunce about programming, and should therefore derive the function/use from looking at the code and explanation, to minimize bughunting later. It is when you have a programmer go "It does ____, the command is ____", then it doesn't truly convey the relations and workings of the scripting, and therefore you end up with more bugs. The programmers make the tools, yes, but it doesn't do shit or breaks other shit if the scripters are clueless in whole or in part as to HOW it actually works. The best current example of obviously poor programmer-scripter communication and documentation is NWN.

Silencer, no. :P Although I did hold back another question; which other perks appear to be nearly useless, of this type?
Roshambo said:
variable applications/relations table.

Good modeling of entities/relationships is key, yet there always seems to be too much emphasis/pressure on programming. Most people, especially management, don't realize that programming is usually the easy part. Proper design and architecture is the hard part, usually skimmed over because of deadline pressure.

Roshambo said:
No scripter should be a dunce about programming

I find that most programmers are lazy, they will do quick hacks to get the current task done, rather than sticking to a global architecture that makes sense.

Roshambo said:
The programmers make the tools, yes, but it doesn't do shit or breaks other shit if the scripters are clueless in whole or in part as to HOW it actually works.

It usually does come down to lack of proper reference materials for the "end user" programmers. I used to work on development tools for large teams. Programmers are a strange breed, if left alone they will keep programming forever :lol: There always some oooh and ahhhh feature that can be added.

Roshambo said:
I did hold back another question; which other perks appear to be nearly useles

I was thinking the same thing when looking into this one. It's not an easy answer because implementation of perk behavior can be in the engine, scripts, or both. Smooth talker is one of those examples, where the script based checks for the perk make it appear useless (the checks above), but it does increase IN by one during speech, so you'd also have to look at IN checks, and consider what the engine does (no idea there). Odin, where's that source code? :wink:
Roshambo said:
Although I did hold back another question; which other perks appear to be nearly useless, of this type?

Although I have no technical knowledge of the subject, a good starting point would be Empathy, which definitely seems to be implemented only partly at best, showing up where you least expect it, and leaving you with plain green dialogue where you could really need a hint.