>Since we're on the topic of
>skills, i personally think that
>the Fallout games were to
>strength orietated. They give
>you all those other skills,
>but as being discussed, making
>energy weapons a tagged skill
>is quite common. Why
>is this? Because most
>people understand that in the
>long run, tests of strength
>is the most common.
>This really makes the game
>shallow. I've tried playing
>fallout 2 as a theif...
>and it shows that weapon
>and physical strength is whats
>really important. I was
>relying on my NPC's to
>compensate for my lack of
>strength and since i can't
>control them, this became a
>problem. And even further,
Yup. And traveling with the caravans (which in theory should be safer than traveling alone) does not help you either.
>i have no idea how
>i'm going to stop Frank
>at the end without being
>a powerhouse char myself.
The solution is always violent, but you can cut some corners by activating defense system and convincing the marines to help you out.
>In Fallout 3 I really hope
>the incorporate the Fallout Tactics
>battle system for the NPC's
>because this will help.
I don't know... Usually I am suspicious about whatever Chris Taylor says, but I agree with him that squad-based system is good for strategy games, and party system is good for RPG games. After all, I wouldn't want to sacrifice the individual style of each party member for total control - it's too fun to take out from the game! Of course, more options would be great, as well as in-battle commands like "cover me!" or "attack this target!"
>Fallout 3 should put more weight
>in characters skills, almost more
>then their weapons.
>If you attack while your
>in your Sneak mode, you
>get a benefit to critical
>hit. The higher your
There is a perk that does that. And I think you get more damage by attacking while sneaking, but generally I agree with you. Criticals make sense.
>Sneak %, the more critical
>hit chance, and damage mod
>you get. With the
>combination of high chance critical
>hit and the targeting of
>a specific part, your character
>can be a force on
>the field, under the correct
>circumstances. Basically, you can
>be a walking tank, or
>a small ninja. Both
>kill especcially well, but they
>do so completely different.
Yep. Sounds yummy, isn't it?
zero-x's bitter words after his encounter with
"I agree with you but there comes a fuckin point i dont know who roquirbo thinks he is but I at least you didnt really criticize me and i appreciate that i hate people who fuck with my ideas when i didnt say shit to em and yes he is the kind of guy i would take a scalpel tear his head open the take an hammer use the end to samsh through the medulla and use the nail pull as a pry to pull back the top of the skull revealing a brain (small but brain nontheless)and take desert eagle magnum and blow it through his fucking spine as he still breath and then rip out his heart and show him how black it is before he dies but as you said thats illegal well cya"