Inside the Vault - Kurt Kuhlmann


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
And still no "have you played Fallout" questions. Yes, there's a new dev profile at Bethesda Blog, this time from Kurt Kuhlmann.<blockquote>What would you say is your personal favorite game of all time?
That’s a tough one. I’m going to confine my answer to video games (board games it would probably be Titan). And basing “favorite” on “number of hours spent”, I’d have to go with Civilization in all its forms, closely followed by Company of Heroes (my current favorite) and maybe the various Ultimas (which sucked up many of my teenage hours).</blockquote>Link: Inside the Vault: Kurt Kuhlmann
What they are playing

Has anyone here ever played the board game Titan that he refers to? Anyway he seems like a decent and smart fellow, which leads me to think that Bethesda doesn't have a problem with talent, but a problem with vision (or a lack thereof). The Bethesda leadership could have insisted that FO3's art style and gameplay consistently match up with its predecessors. Then even Fallout fans would be impressed with the previews and we wouldn't need to ask each developer what their favorite games were. If wishes were horses...

Maybe it's a bit unrealistic of us to expect that if enough lower level developers were big Fallout fans then Fallout 3 would definitely end up being a true sequel.

There is another recent Bethesda blog post regarding what the developers were planning on playing last weekend. They asked about 30 developers (including QA guys). If you want to see the full results it is found here.

The Highlights of the poll are
40% Orange Box (or something in it)
33% Rock Band
30% Mass Effect
23% Assassin's Creed
20% Super Mario Galaxy
17% Some cheeky response about a real life activity
10% Call of Duty 4
10% World of Warcraft
7% Hellgate: London
7% Halo 3
7% Crysis
7% Sports video games
7% Some Elder Scrolls game
Odd games include ICO, Trilby and the Art of Theft, Toribash, Shatterer of Worlds, various lurid games, geeky board games, Lux, subversive social games.

Note: The percentage doesn't add up to 100% because people could answer with more than one game. The percentage represents how many of the polled developers are playing a specific game.
iridium_ionizer said:
There is another recent Bethesda blog post regarding what the developers were planning on playing last weekend. They asked about 30 developers (including QA guys). If you want to see the full results it is found here.
Too bad noone is playing The Witcher. It might help them a bit with the moral-grey-area stuff.
Every time I read Pete Hines talking about how some/most quests are going to have gray choices, it comes off as neutral choices (as in DnD Good/Neutral/Evil). :?

Emil seems to have played it though, and after all he is the lead designer...
I hope he got something out of it.
Re: What they are playing

Ugh, looks like about 90% 360 games, and most of their PC games are MMO.

Neat, though that one of the programmers is playing Cave Story.
talking about how some/most quests are going to have gray choices, it comes off as neutral choices (as in DnD Good/Neutral/Evil). Confused

This distinction is indeed important, and I hope they take this into account.
Serbaside said:
His favorite game is not fallout?OMG...BURN HIM :twisted: :D

Here is the Titan game he is talking about:
Oh yeah, the guy from the OP. I forgot about him. He seems like a decent, experienced guy, though all of his experience is on TES games.

How many of the dev's profiled so far have non-Bethesda experience (I don't count this guys stint at a startup that produced nothing).
Briosafreak said:
talking about how some/most quests are going to have gray choices, it comes off as neutral choices (as in DnD Good/Neutral/Evil). Confused

This distinction is indeed important, and I hope they take this into account.
You kidding? They don't even understand what you're talking about, let alone implement it in their game!
Serbaside said:
His favorite game is not fallout?OMG...BURN HIM :twisted: :D

I wonder if any of these jokers actually named Fallout as their favourite game in these dev profiles, since they are supposed to be such huge fans...