Interesting news from Beijing


Vault Senior Citizen

I saw it on TV. It's quite interesting.

If you ever lived in a developing country, you would know what they are talking about.

It's a human right that I am happy I get to enjoy in China today. I've lived in North America too long to give up this basic luxury. But things were very different just not so long ago(about 6-10 years), since I have talked to some expats who have lived here for that long. Back then you have 3 choices:

a ditch/trench style,

a hole,

or a actual sit down toilet, but to save construction materials, there are no walls, so you sit right "next" to whoever happens to be doing "it".

It's incredibly amusing and creepy at the same time. :shock:

So, did you salute your toilet on world toilet day? :wink:
You'd all be shocked to see what lies hidden behind the bathroom doors of primary/secondary schools up here.
