Interface graphics


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I know it sounds dumb, but I'm obsessed: I want to make a Windowblinds skin using the Fallout interface, but I can't seem to figure out how to steal them from any of the Dat files or anything. I've tried various of the different .dat packers/unpackers, and none of them seem to like opening the Master.dat or Critter.dat (the only succcess I had, was the patch .dat for Fallout 2, and it didn't have anything useful in it).

So, I ask: Any help, please?

(Oh, and sorry if this is in the wrong place)
This will open up every .dat file in FO2. I've never stumbled across anything to do with the interface in any dats though, hopefully you'll have better luck.
Or, if you want another way, just take an in-game screenshot of the pieces you want to cobble together.
Roshambo said:
Or, if you want another way, just take an in-game screenshot of the pieces you want to cobble together.

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that, but it's looking like it will.

Thanks anyway, guys. If I get this thing finished, I may post it up here if anyone's interested. I plan on making a good FO cursorXP set, too (by good, I mean that there's already one out there, but it sucks).
Try skinning Aston - it doesn't support window frames, but it gives you quite big possibilities to skin Start menu and the desktop.

The only bad thing is these two programs don't cooperate :(