Interface small, resolution high = bad. Fallout 2


First time out of the vault
Hi, i am new to this forum and to Fallout 2. What i have seen of bought i like. But there was one problem with Fallout 2 i thought the screen resolution and the amount map i was able to see on my big screen was to small. So i decided to download so mods.

I installed Killaps unofficial Fallout 2 patch(, The High rez mod by "mash"(4.0.2) And Sfall(2.20.7z) in that order on my Windows 7 Ultimate. Everything worked as expected(at least so far) except for one thing. The screen resolution is higher but the hud or interface or what you will call it is still small. So when i increase it beyond 800:600 it is impossible read any text. In the menu and in the game. I have looked around after solution but i have not found any, therefore i turn to the professionals(you guys).

Do you know i can increase the size of the interface so that i can actually see what is going on in the game?
I solved the problem by installing a newer verson of the hires patch. 3.0.6 to be exact. Seem there are still bugs with the 4.0.2. Atleast for me.