I've got a fairly large audio collection that I've got stored on my Windows 2003 server.
Said server has a couple of 300Gb drives for audio storage, that are now maxxed out.
I'm currently trying to determine what route to go.
My future plans are to get a couple of external drive enclosers, so I can RAID the collection for backup purposes. However, my immediate need is to get more storage online quickly.
I've got SATA controllers on the server, and for what I'm doing, speed isn't that big of a concern.
My collection is broken up into two drives, Albums A-L on one, M-Z on the other.
Right now, I'm leaning towards getting a couple of 500G drives to satisfy my immediate storage needs, than when 750's come down in price, take the 500's move those into an external drive bay for back up purposes.
I don't know enough about external/NAS devices to get a feel for those as an option.
Said server has a couple of 300Gb drives for audio storage, that are now maxxed out.
I'm currently trying to determine what route to go.
My future plans are to get a couple of external drive enclosers, so I can RAID the collection for backup purposes. However, my immediate need is to get more storage online quickly.
I've got SATA controllers on the server, and for what I'm doing, speed isn't that big of a concern.
My collection is broken up into two drives, Albums A-L on one, M-Z on the other.
Right now, I'm leaning towards getting a couple of 500G drives to satisfy my immediate storage needs, than when 750's come down in price, take the 500's move those into an external drive bay for back up purposes.
I don't know enough about external/NAS devices to get a feel for those as an option.