Besides the amazon and ebay sites, what are some good, trustworthy shops to buy from that are pretty much secure from getting your whole account wiped clean of money?
Come to think of it, I have not tried amazon or ebay myself. And to be specific I'm looking for fallout and descent: freespace 2 games around australia. Tried EBGames, Harvey Norman, and Dick Smith local retail stores already, but these games are old and rare I assume.
The company who created freespace does not sell, and interplay seems to be dead.
Come to think of it, I have not tried amazon or ebay myself. And to be specific I'm looking for fallout and descent: freespace 2 games around australia. Tried EBGames, Harvey Norman, and Dick Smith local retail stores already, but these games are old and rare I assume.
The company who created freespace does not sell, and interplay seems to be dead.