Interplay- generally

*wink wink*
*nudge nudge*

So Interplay enjoys doing things associated with the word "deep," eh? Well, perhaps Interplay can look "deep" into my eyes while it's "deep"throating me to heaven!

They enjoy sucking down used monkey balls, do they? Well, I hope they don't have any objections to my fresh new ones!

underneath your small rats penis eh?

yea it sucks, lets write poetry.

Why so mean
Stop making games
Let me try! Let me try!

Ol' Hervé Caen's mental constipation
Led his company to self-castration:
Black Isle was teh win,
But to our chagrin
The Interplay brass is full of stupid fucks.

Hmm... somehow that doesn't sound right. Allow me to make up for it with a primitive caricature:

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Interplay will fall!! This once great company will crumble into oblivion, and only a few treasures will be salvaged...Like with The City of Troy....