Interplay Sez: No Criticising on IPLY Feedback Forums!


Antediluvian as Feck
A post made by several moderators on the Interplay feedback forums has this to say:

<blockquote>Good morning to you all, today I am the bearer of nasty news.

Problems have arisen, and the board is under threat. Basically, anyone caught 'bashing' anything in regards to Interplay (including games, the forum, the mods and anything or anyone else) will be given an instant warning. Get caught a second time and you'll be banned.

This is effective immediately. I don't want to have to ban anyone, but the bashers, spammers and flamers need to be filtered out. This is your only warning, not seeing this thread is not an excuse.


That's right, Caen and Co. are probably looking for positive, mindless empty conjecture and glowing fanboyism only since it appears some more IPLY stockholders and their publisher learned how to use not only an internet browser but the search function on the forums as well.

I guess those complaining about Interplay's standard of crap QA (a regular feature on their forums and every forum for an Interplay game made in the last 5 years) are screwed, too.
I can only express my thoughts in a song and dance. Allow me to prepare.

Da da da... 'Nother one bites the dust... da da da...
/me ties a rope around his neck and jumps to his doom

There! I hope that wasn't too graphic, obscene or, *GASP* bannable! Just what does Interplay hope to gain with this move? Banning any kind of post that slightly critisizes them is fair game to be demolished.

"What, you don't like our broken links? TO HELL WITH YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOGGIE!"

'bashing' huh? So saying "Please explain why the BoS logo has changed?" isn't bashing. I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
I have no care for mindless sycophants, and on that merit, I don't care if the Interplay forums just vanished overnight. Even for a brief while, it might mean that most of the D&D drones would flock over to the BioWare forums with the rest of their munchkinism ilk.
How Can ......Mean Daddy......

How Can one be P.C., Politically Correct, without guidelines, or chains that bind?

Rules of etiquete and decorum are a deminimus Ground Zero for mutual self stimulation, and manipulation.

Imagine the fauning conditionalism an I'play fanboy must negotiate
to seek sufferance and succure from the slings and arrows of outrageous sociopathic software. ""Spank me harder Mean Daddy!""

When is a threat to one, NOT a threat to ALL?

Orwellian double speak easier to perpetuate in a forum of fear, fratricide, and denial.

War is peace, love is hate, lies are truth, and I love Big Brother,

[Electrodes ,,,,, afixed to ....]

""ZZZZZ""WHACK""...... smell of ozone ....

[Electrodes ,,,,, afixed to testicles....]

''AHHHh I Wubb Big Bruth'a'hoooood!''

Hmm. A ban seems very dodgy, to say the obvious.

I can understand them not wanting to be 'bashed', as in insulted personally based on the merits of their game. I think that is fair. I am often surprised by how quickly people on forums take personal dislikes to people and push them very far, just based on a difference of opinion.

Still, negative feedback is an important part of the process of critical improvement. A ban is ridiculous. But I would support their desire not to be constantly insulted because they made a game you didn't like. They're game designing skills may be questionable but that does not make them bad people.
Depends on what they consider an insult, really.. Here's what Jokerio is refering to by his guidelines, for example:

Jokerio said:
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and this should not be treated as the thoughts of Interplay or any of it's employees. And I reserve the right to change any of these opinions at any time without giving notice.

Flaming: attacking someone verbally (or written). Calling them a wanker or whatever for any such reason.

Spamming: posting for the sake of posting, to waste space, to mess up the forums or to advertise.

Bashing: Attacking someone or something. Slandering a product just because you're unhappy with it.

Trolling: Attacking Interplay or it's employees because you're no happy with what they're doing. Also causing other people to do the same thing.

The first two aren't bad guidelines, but the second two? Depending on his definition of attacking, this could mean any criticism. Something like, Hey Chuck, you guys totally got it wrong about riot armor. In Fallout's manual, they say that Combat Armor was used by police, so why would they also have riot armor? could be considered an attack, since it makes Chuck look foolish.

After all, we're talking about a place where Fallout Enforcer isn't even allowed to be discussed, so they can justify nearly anything as an attack.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Something like, Hey Chuck, you guys totally got it wrong about riot armor. In Fallout's manual, they say that Combat Armor was used by police, so why would they also have riot armor? could be considered an attack, since it makes Chuck look foolish.
But anything Chuck posts makes him look foolish. Hmm... Maybe that's why his post count is so low, perhaps he's been banned for making himself look too foolish?
Jokerio said:
Trolling: Attacking Interplay or it's employees because you're no happy with what they're doing. Also causing other people to do the same thing.
I thought Trolling was mindlessly jumping into a thread with an uninformed opinion, getting pointed out how wrong you are, then trying to cover up your ass with sh*tloads of posts trying to confuse everybody who even glances at them. Which is the correct definition?

Either way, Trolling did not happen at the Interplay boards on a large scale or severe enough to close the FO:POS board.
He, he's an idiot, his definitions are all wrong and basically all they show is his lack of any imagination in applying the new rules imposed on him as a moderator.

On top of it he's implying that no one likes what IPLY does in his own post!
Also causing other people to do the same thing.
Wasting space is the lamest excuse I ever saw. I've not seen a single board were people actually post to waste server space. That's ludicrous. You post even a 10k message... WHO CARES? Space is dirt cheap these days. No one in their right mind would do that. Although quite a few idiots don't have right minds, I've never actually seen such idiocy been done anywhere. It's just a lame excuse brought up by TechWiz. And indeed I prompted him, in a (more) respectful manner (then displayed here), that this excuse was full of shit - post which was immediatly deleted.
Wankerio said:
Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and this should not be treated as the thoughts of Interplay or any of it's employees. And I reserve the right to change any of these opinions at any time without giving notice.

I.e. "I'm clueless, or hoping you are to swallow this line of bullshit."

Spamming: posting for the sake of posting, to waste space, to mess up the forums or to advertise.

Actually, spamming is pretty much nonsensical messages, either by themselves or repeatedly. Which, if you might notice, the message board is just chock full of that goodness already.

Bashing: Attacking someone or something. Slandering a product just because you're unhappy with it.

Now here is one part of his game in blurring definitions and where he's pretty wrong. He's blurring it with flaming, so the line looks even more grey, and then you also have to deal with Shodan's double-speak. Therefore, if you're too critical, you're now bashing! and they can file that under a no-no and you're gone.

Trolling: Attacking Interplay or it's employees because you're no happy with what they're doing. Also causing other people to do the same thing.


"Causing other people to do the same thing." Damn, that's one of the most ridiculous things I've seen. People will do what they want.

Also, and this is what most of the morons there don't figure, is that it's a FEEDBACK forum, and they will get FEEDBACK for Interplay's shitty management and poor QA controls, customer service, etc. You got part of the $40+, you can deal with the heat for ripping people off, lying to them, and other misc unethical practices.
Roshambo said:
"Causing other people to do the same thing." Damn, that's one of the most ridiculous things I've seen. People will do what they want.

Biggest question is, if this is part of the rules, why isn't Chuck Cuevas banned? Every time that guy opens his mouth publically, he's draped in negative feedback, which is Interplay's definition of trolling. So, basically, he's causing other people [to troll], so why isn't he banned?
Death Wish?

Death Wish?

So are we coming to the same point that this I'play moderating
is self destructive?


Any of you who are graced with deism, whether it be 'mono-' or 'poly-'
might remember the cliche, "whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad."

Chuck and I'play as a greek tragedy, classic stuff.

Wake me for the finis, or the coup de grace.

Saint_Proverbius said:
Biggest question is, if this is part of the rules, why isn't Chuck Cuevas banned? Every time that guy opens his mouth publically, he's draped in negative feedback, which is Interplay's definition of trolling. So, basically, he's causing other people [to troll], so why isn't he banned?

You know, that's a very good point. :twisted: