Interview with Zolthar - project Sigonyth boss

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A Smooth-Skin
1. Can you tell us something about your company. Is it legalized, and what it's story? Who's in the team?

NEW DESERT isn't a company and it isn't legalized. Everyone, who's working on the game is doing it for pleasure and without payment, in free time after work or school. The team members are:
- 2D graphic artists (Phantom, matlev)
- 3D graphic artists (AjaS , Sjon , und3r , Pablo, Bremen, Iarwain Ben - Adar)
- sketch artists (Tomurox , Anderton , Giorgione)
- scriptwriters (Luiner, Argali, Goldsun, Czaras, Bilbo)
- musicians (npc, silver)
- I as a programmer and co-ordinator.

We aren't doing it for money. Our goal is to create something for ourselves. Some of us are working and some of us are studying, and for all of us it will be a quite good experience. However if during the creation of Sigonyth we will make accidentally something professional, it will only prove our commitment and also, that not only the commercial companies, but also ordinary people can manage such a challenge.

NEW DESERT is a result of long evolution. Our history reaches already 3 years. On the you can see some chronicles, where I have described the history of Zoltharia. First I gathered the team. I talked with people, I asked about the possibility of help. And I found them. However from the time, as NEW DESERT arised it happens, that people are asking by themself how can they help, which makes us very glad.

2. Your most important project is Sigonyth. Can you tell us something more about it?

Currently we are working on the Sigonyth, however work on Zoltharia lasts simultaneously - unfortunately in limited team. We don't have so much might, to do graphics to both games in the same team.

Both games will work on the NDE2D engine (New Desert Engine 2D). They will be MMORPGs in isometrical view with full graphical interface, similar to Fallout or Baldur's Gate 2.

Although the work lasts since December 2003 the idea of such game exists since August 2003, which result are Zoltharia and Sigonyth. As the name suggest it is a MMORPG, what means, that we have to put more pressure on the engine efficiency, because even a few thousands of players can play at the same time. It will be very difficult, but we will try.

3. Where did this name came from, and what does it mean?

It will be my sweet secret. Sigonyth is a name of a planet, and in language of original habitants it means "eternal desert".
Sigonyth - DESERT ETERNITY is the full game's name and you shouldn't mislead it with the meaning of word Sigonyth "eternal desert".

4. I noticed, that there are many connections to Frank Herbert's "Dune". Are you going to model on the world known from his novel?

In some way we are basing on this world, though we can't make a copy of it. Our goal is to use the core of Dune, however we want to add our own elements, so it could be a whole new world.

5. I read on the website, that the movement on the planet will be performed by the usage of some different vehicles. It's kind of unusual in game of this type. How do you plan to solve it?

Yes, we're planning to make such a thing. The reason is, that the NDE2D engine has to be universal and it will serve for the realization of two games. One is Sigonyth where we will move by vehicles, and the second is Zoltharia a fantasy game, where we want to add the possibility of travelling on horses and maybe in litters, who knows. Unfortunately the technical matters are the secrets of our code, but I think that the effect will intrigue you all.

6. What skills will the player possess and how much we will be able to modify them? Will it be possible to choose the class of your character, or you are going to make something similar to Fallout, and we will create our character by assigning points to proper skills?

We have removed classes and we want let the player to decide who he wants to be. We are rather basing on Fallout and we will use the skills system. As for the skills list, we're still working on it so I can't say much about it right now.

7. Will Sigonyth refer in some kind of way to post-nuclear climates, for example known from Fallout?

As I mentioned before we're basing on the climate of Dune, however we want to add some post-nuclear elements known from Fallout. Unfortunately it is very difficult, but our scriptwriters are working to combine it smoothly.

8. Will the game be also available in English? If so, will you translate it during the creation, or first you will release the basic version, and then the English one?

Currently the game is being made in Polish. We're planning to do two versions: English and Polish. Our website is also in two languages.

9. When do you intend to finish the work over this project and will it be a commercial project?

Temporarily we're planning to finish it in the III quarter this year. At the present day we don't know if it will be the end of our work over the whole game, cause in 2D games most work is reserved to graphic artists, who have to do all graphics. However the engine with demo version will be ready sooner than in III quarter.

We don't plan to make a commercial game.

10. Do you want to add something? Is there something that our readers should know?

Actual websites are:
Sigonyth -
Zoltharia -

I would like to say one thing. From time to time I'm adding on www new alpha versions. I would like you to not consider it like a demo version - there will be other links for it. Alpha version serves us only for tests of the code, and the graphics is rather accidential, however few elements can be from the demo. But entireness should be treaten as a technical version not a demo.

Thanks for your time and good luck with the project.
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