You know, only a Diablo-like save option, you can only save when you exit the game, and you can't exit the game without saving. You'll have to deal with things like pissing important NPC's and the zeta scan decreasing your Luck (assumin there will be simmillar thing in F3). Yeah, you can "restrain" yourself not to youse save otherwise, but it is a lot cooler when it is ment to be played that way. You'll get this neat reputation perk ("Ironman" of course), which will state how hardcore you are for playing this way. Ofcourse I think it's reasonable to get a little something extra like more XP. If say, you could play F1 that way, there would be much more use for perks like Sniper and Slayer.
I couldn't make a poll, so if someone is willing to add one. Something like:
Ironman with no XP boost
Ironman with XP boost
No Ironman (though I don't think that's nessecary)
I couldn't make a poll, so if someone is willing to add one. Something like:
Ironman with no XP boost
Ironman with XP boost
No Ironman (though I don't think that's nessecary)