Is it impossible to play Fallout 2 full screen?


First time out of the vault
I have the gog version of Fallout 2 and just got around to playing it. However I had colour glitches, I think something to do with the game running in 8 bit. So I installed Killaps 1.02 patch and it is now all good in 32bit.

My version on the main menu is..

sfall 3.3

Windows 7.

But the only thing is it won't play full screen? I set the resolution to my laptop resolution (1366 x 768) and while the intro movies play full screen, the main menu and ingame is smaller and has huge black borders either side. Why? Is there a way around this?

thanks for any help.
But the only thing is it won't play full screen? I set the resolution to my laptop resolution (1366 x 768) and while the intro movies play full screen, the main menu and ingame is smaller and has huge black borders either side. Why? Is there a way around this?

Where did you set this resolution? You'll need the Hi-Res Patch for that. Or you could go for Killap's restoration project, which is recommended. (Make sure you do a clean install first) It includes the Hi-Res patch. Go to the modding section for further info, download links and help.
But the only thing is it won't play full screen? I set the resolution to my laptop resolution (1366 x 768) and while the intro movies play full screen, the main menu and ingame is smaller and has huge black borders either side. Why? Is there a way around this?

Where did you set this resolution? You'll need the Hi-Res Patch for that. Or you could go for Killap's restoration project, which is recommended. (Make sure you do a clean install first) It includes the Hi-Res patch.

I set the resolution in the game menu. When I go to options, I get a button called 'screen settings' I click that and I select it under there. I have killaps unofficial Fallout 2 patch installed. Do I need that patch as well as the restoration project? Should I just uninstall the game, re install it and then just use the restoration project instead of his other patch? Or can I use both. I basically want the best version.

Someone on youtube said to install in this order..

Killaps 1.02 patch
high res patch
restoration project

I only installed killaps patch although on the menu it says I have sfall installed..
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The patch already includes sfall but, as far as I know, the hi-res patch is not included. Maybe it just adds the menu option? No idea. But it obviously doesn't work.
Never install the the RP over the unofficial patch and don't install sfall yourself, that is usually handled by the other mods and they often need a specific version of sfall.

Either install:
1. Unofficial patch
2. Hi-Res patch


1. Restoration project (already includes both the unofficial patch and the hi-res patch)

Both assuming a prior clean (humongous) install of Fallout 2, preferably not located in the default Program Files folder (that often causes issues). The RP obviously adds content, if that's not your thing you should go the first route. Personally I'd go with the RP. It's a work of art.
Thanks! I just did a clean install and installed the Restoration Project 2.33 and it works perfectly! The main menu is not full screen but I couldn't care less about that. Thanks again, I have not played Fallout 2 since it's original release so am looking forward to the new stuff (and the old, I don't remember most of it anyway).