Is it worth it playing through Fallout if...

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Absolutly. In many aspects Fallout 1 gives you more of a survivalist game then Fallout 2. It will also explain a few references in Fallout 2.


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RE: Tell you what

I played Fo:2 b4 Fo and I have to say it was well wort it playing Fo after Fo:2.
RE: Tell you what

I would go with Fallout 1 before Fallout 2.

Fallout 1 may be smaller and might go quicker, but I think it's probably the better game, especially with regards the story. Fallout 2 is bigger but also tends to get lost in the sub plots.
ALso , as previously mentioned, it's nice to see to see the historical references in Fallout 2 after doing them in Fallout 1
RE: Tell you what

I personally think that FO1 should be played before FO2 and agree with ne one who states this. You willl get very confused with the FO2 plot if you have'nt played F01, and the whole time you'll be like "Who the hell is the Vault Dweller and Shady Sands and The Master..." But i do have to disagree with some that FO1 had a better storyline. I think the whole "SUPERMUTANTS ATE MY NEIGHBORS!" thing is kinda overplayed in many games. Now the whole thing with the president and the Enclave, and the FEV virus... Now that was an interesting storyline. I would also have to say that FO2 was a better game in the sense of givin' plenty o' quests... But all in all, F01 is still the best game. So play that before ne thing else.
RE: Tell you what

I prefer FO2 because there are more options. Howver, FO1 has some really giddy moments that FO2 doesn't. In FO2 it occasionally becomes "seen this, done that". Like after the 200th big city. Whereas in FO1, the Hub is like "wow".

Plus, I just love the bit where you sneak around and plug Daren Hightower. Have to be the best part of the game.