Is that ok to kill the powder gang at the start of FONV


First time out of the vault
So I just finished FO3 and started new vegas, I found these guys called "Powder gang" and I liked the pistol in the guys pocket so i killed them both and then it said i was vilified in the powder gang, Is that bad? I just started the game so just a simple yes or no will help

EDIT: I'm planing on being a good guy
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Depends on if you're playing an evil run or not. If you are trying to do an evil run, then killing the Powder Gangers is a bad idea as they are an evil faction with a very nice base for you to stay in. If you're going for a good run, then don't worry about it, they're a bunch of escaped convicts.

Though for the record, this game isn't like Fallout 3. Who you shoot actually matters in this game. Try to be careful with who you blast your gun at, it could have dire consequences down the road.

Oh, and one more thing, unlike Fallout 3, no one in this game has "immunity" or is marked "essential", meaning you can kill literally anyone in the game at any time. Thus all the more reason to be careful when shooting.
You're pretty much locked out of having favourable relations with the Powder Ganger faction but they're small fries anyway. Just a bunch of escaped convicts who you don't really get much for allying with anyway. By the time you hit Vegas they're an after thought really. Selling their gear is a somewhat decent way to get some pocket change though if you're planning on sticking around and completing all the Goodsprings, Primm, and Mojave outpost quests. Just be careful is the future about blasting some random guy for his gun next time.
To be fair I shot Joe Cobb dead in the saloon my first playthrough. Didn't know you could even ally with the Powder Gangers until much later.
You can actually skip to New Vegas directly past the deathclaws if you know how.
It's pretty amusing actually. You can easily get a half-dozen levels or so just sneaking into The Strip.
Hint: You get a Stealth Boy for killing Cobb.
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