// basic animations 0-19
#define ANIM_stand (0)
#define ANIM_walk (1)
#define ANIM_jump_begin (2)
#define ANIM_jump_end (3)
#define ANIM_climb_ladder (4)
#define ANIM_falling (5)
#define ANIM_up_stairs_right (6)
#define ANIM_up_stairs_left (7)
#define ANIM_down_stairs_right (8)
#define ANIM_down_stairs_left (9)
#define ANIM_magic_hands_ground (10)
#define ANIM_magic_hands_middle (11)
#define ANIM_magic_hands_up (12)
#define ANIM_dodge_anim (13)
#define ANIM_hit_from_front (14)
#define ANIM_hit_from_back (15)
#define ANIM_throw_punch (16)
#define ANIM_kick_leg (17)
#define ANIM_throw_anim (18)
#define ANIM_running (19)
// knockdown and death 20-35
#define ANIM_fall_back (20)
#define ANIM_fall_front (21)
#define ANIM_bad_landing (22)
#define ANIM_big_hole (23)
#define ANIM_charred_body (24)
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh (25)
#define ANIM_dancing_autofire (26)
#define ANIM_electrify (27)
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half (28)
#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing (29)
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing (30)
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing (31)
#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing (32)
#define ANIM_fire_dance (33)
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood (34)
#define ANIM_fall_front_blood (35)
// change positions 36-37
#define ANIM_prone_to_standing (36)
#define ANIM_back_to_standing (37)
// weapon 38-47
#define ANIM_take_out (38)
#define ANIM_put_away (39)
#define ANIM_parry_anim (40)
#define ANIM_thrust_anim (41)
#define ANIM_swing_anim (42)
#define ANIM_point (43)
#define ANIM_unpoint (44)
#define ANIM_fire_single (45)
#define ANIM_fire_burst (46)
#define ANIM_fire_continuous (47)
// single-frame death animations (the last frame of knockdown and death animations) 48-63
#define ANIM_fall_back_sf (48)
#define ANIM_fall_front_sf (49)
#define ANIM_bad_landing_sf (50)
#define ANIM_big_hole_sf (51)
#define ANIM_charred_body_sf (52)
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh_sf (53)
#define ANIM_dancing_autofire_sf (54)
#define ANIM_electrify_sf (55)
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half_sf (56)
#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing_sf (57)
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing_sf (58)
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing_sf (59)
#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing_sf (60)
//#define ANIM_fire_dance_sf (61)// doesn't exist, but keeps the enums ordered
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood_sf (62)
#define ANIM_fall_front_blood_sf (63)
// called shot interface picture 64
#define ANIM_called_shot_pic (64)
#define ANIM_max_anim (65) // 65