The reason I'm asking is that one of the few things where I felt Fallout 2 was a step back in terms of game mechanics from Fallout 1 was the way in which party members were once again almost extensions of the pc, like in most crpg's. I thought the introduction of tactics was alright, but should you really be able to take all of Myron's stuff without him minding even the slightest? Of course the Fallout 1 system was hardly better, but at least that tried to sustain the illusion of party members as separate individuals with minds and interests of their own.
Anyway, what I'd like to do is make party members less slavish pack animals by dividing the player's cash between them every now and then, and have them "use" it to purchase things whenever possible (stimpacks, better weapons/armor, etc.). I'm pretty sure I can script all this, but first I need to be able to remove the trade mechanic; so is that possible?
Anyway, what I'd like to do is make party members less slavish pack animals by dividing the player's cash between them every now and then, and have them "use" it to purchase things whenever possible (stimpacks, better weapons/armor, etc.). I'm pretty sure I can script all this, but first I need to be able to remove the trade mechanic; so is that possible?