After a few years I've decided to re-play the best RPG ever made.
I've a question about Hub... Every time I completed the game, something bad happened to it (involving mutants I think). Is there anything you can do in the game to save The Hub or is it meant to be that way? Thanks
Freelancer, the ending you get for the Hub is the only one available in Fallout. However, there was an alternate ending that didn't make it into the game. It goes like this:
"With your assistance, Old Harold brings the ghoul population of the Hub into equality with the humans. The two sides work together, and the Hub prospers. Old Harold is still alive, as far as anyone knows."
I would like to have seen how that ending would have come about. Who knows? Maybe Harold would have stayed in the Hub instead of heading for Gecko.
as far as I know, Hub was destroyed by the supermutants as their horde headed east, when Master was killed and cathedral was destroyed. But then, Hub was rebuilt and BECAME A PROSPERING COMMUNITY and part of expanding NCR.
Harrold had nothing to do with it. he is immortal. It is said he heard about the building of Gecko and decided to join.