Is there a worse character than Moira?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Though I uninstalled F3 days ago, that cheerful idiotic accented voice and that retarded blank stare on that stupid red-haired bitch is still in my head. Is there a more loathsome character in a game that you just wanted to kill in a thousand ways? To think Beth made here into a major one too, so you can hear that grating sound over and over! I nuked Megaton just so I could know that she was gone forever!
Yeah those fucking kids. But Moira for me as she is one of the first characters you see when exiting the vault and is the giver of a big quest. Yet another 'great' design decision by Beth to make a major character so loathsome. Really sets the tone for the rest of the game I guess.
[spoiler:fa2d5ffc41]You get an 'interesting' additional perk from her as well. Just go optional. Oh...and some great items, too ;) [/spoiler:fa2d5ffc41]

I really like her. Fuckin' crazy persona.
Oh shit, now I can't stop thinking about Moira popping out of nowhere and yelling "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL" in that annoying voice ohgodkillmenow
No, Moira is the worst, since the game almost forces you to go to her and see her. I destroyed megaton, but I think I will kill her again if the ghoulversion is annoying too. I think the voice is the worst part. oh and the fact that she looks like a trailparkredneckqueen.
Commiered said:
Yeah those fucking kids. But Moira for me as she is one of the first characters you see when exiting the vault and is the giver of a big quest. Yet another 'great' design decision by Beth to make a major character so loathsome. Really sets the tone for the rest of the game I guess.
I hated Little Lamplight so much.

It could have worked with some modification. But without any protection, there is no way in hell any kid would behave like that. I turned up in power armour and some 12 year starts threatening to shoot me?


They could, for instance, have put the kids under the protection of some AI with a number of sentry bots posted everywhere. Like a creche of sorts. Then the kids could be as snotty as they liked, and it would make sense. Kids do tend to behave like that if they've got the backup of their parents close by.

Then you could have had a moral ambiguity too. Say this AI is tasked with the protection of children. But it takes its duties a bit too far, and has snatched a child from a nearby town to protect it.

Then you have the choice of rescuing the kid for its parents, and destroying the sentry bots in the process. In that case all the kids face a much more uncertain future on their own. Or you leave it alone, knowing that the kids are safe, and have to explain to the parents that their child is safe but they will have to live without him/her.

It's a shitty idea, perhaps, but one that only took me 5 secs to invent. With some refinement it could work.

But instead Beth just thought "wouldn't a city of children be cool?" And so it was, in their world.
I didnt care about Moira and shes not a key NPC anyway.
The arrogant full of himself DJ got shot quickly (not that it affected the game in anyway ;/)
Dr Lee is pretty annoying with her bitchy angry commanding tone and she is unkillable NPC you cant avoid. :evil: - shes probably the one I disliked most.
Annoying kid was kinda fun actually. And you can shut him up with good speech/CH

rcorporon said:
Rogue Galaxy's "Mio" is the worst character ever.
oh shi... thats just ubearable.

Seriously, what was up with that guy. He was a snot nosed bastard as a kid who tried to take my muffin! And then as an adult, he tries to act tough, but can't save his loser drunk mother (dude, it's a vault, where is she getting booze from and if she has a drinking problem why are they allowing her access to it?) from some stupid radscorpions. Moira is annoying, yes, but Butch is pathetic.
Mods PLEASE OH PLEASE put the entire Beth fallout 3 design crew into this game. Put them at the beth ruins as a quest requiring you to slaughter the entire batch! I will replay the damn game just to take them and lamplight out again
I got up to the point where you can get him to join, but I killed him instead. The other file I have for the game, I'd already killed him while still inside the vault, so nah, I haven't gotten him. However, in my new game, I am trying to be a goodguy, so I will probably get him then, yes.