Is this possible, and can someone do it ?


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Is it possible to take the fire effects from weapons (laser, plasma, gauss, pulse) and replace the effects used in FO2 (add in the case of the bluesmoke effect for the gauss, and any effect for the pulse riffle.)

Also,could someone bring the gauss minigun from tactics over to FO2 ?

I'll help however I can, but theres not much I can do.
I'm not dure I follow what it is you want done exactly? Did you want the effect changed for the gauss gun and pulse rifle?

The FRMs for these effect as in the \data\arts\misc fodler I think

Yoy should jsut be able to edit those FRMs (not sure on this sorry)
Could be done. Just use Spr2Gif converter to convert the image, then convert it to a FRM using Gif2Frm
I would myself, but I dont even know were my copy of tactis is at the moment.
Its proably boxed with older games that I dont play much anymore.
Does anyone know what archives these effects are in? Also there file names would help. If we converted them over then they could be used for any FO2 mod
Or better yet, every mod.

In my opinion, those effects are pretty much all that tactis has that FO1-2 doesnt.

That, and a 'sex district' with strippers and such in Reno (with a stripper perk becoming avalible :-p)
Striper perk: This perk makes you aways look like the "tribal critter" even when you are wearing armour
The weapon effects should be convertable, however obviously you can't transfer the transparancy features in the same way (though FO does support some, like the windows and the forcefields). Dunno of those proto properties can by applied to "Misc" proto's...
Well, Ive found my copy of tactics. Once I finish my Jedi critter, I'll start working on this a bit more.
Did you just edit the existing FRM or make a new one?

1) Export the frames edit them and then insert them in the original FRM

2) Export the frames edit them and then make a new FRM from these BMP files?

If you did it the second way you will need to edit the Hex Offset 0x0006 to the value of the frame that is attacking, see the thread below:
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]Well, Ive found my copy of tactics. Once I finish my Jedi critter, I'll start working on this a bit more.
What about making a complete Star Wars mod? lol