Is this supposed to look this ... ugly ?


First time out of the vault
Hi everyone.

Just a quick question for Fallout 3 PC owners : how does it look on your end ?

Because on mine ... I can't find a more suitable word than ugly. I lost any hope for this game to be a faithful Fallout sequel, but at least I excepted it to be a fairly good-looking decent Post-Apocalyptic RPG. After all, I admit I did enjoy Oblivion to some extent (even without mods) few years ago.

I think I just saw a T-1000 ... is there anything to do to make the eyes look even remotely believable ? My 'father' seemed to have no pupil, and everyone I meet has these strange red glowing eyes, are they all vampires or worse ...? :| Can I somehow make the font for speech text smaller... ?

But these are just small gripes really. What really bothers me is THIS :

This is not the level of visual quality I would expect from a 2008 game at maximum settings. Oblivion in comparison was much better. Notice the aliasing everywhere in the scene (AA4x), the quality of the textures (especially the one circled in red) that look straight out of DOOM... And yes, it is supposed to be nighttime, yet I can see a couple miles away. It must be that my vault-dweller eyes are used to the dark.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand : does your Fallout 3 PC look better than this, and how did you do it (tweaking FalloutPrefs.ini perhaps) ?

System specs :

Intel Pentium E2140 1.8Ghz @ 2.8Ghz
ATI Radeon HD 3870
That looks AWFUL!!!! It actually looks like Oblivion.

hmm.... Where is the resolution set? Is your video card functioning? Like, you can click the ATI icon next to the clock(if you're using windows).
Bowyerte said:
What really bothers me is THIS :

Everything i've seen so far of Obliv ... FO3's graphics looks amazing. I'm in awe.

But then again, the last FPS i sat down and got into was Halo 1 ..... :oops:
Pipboy2000 said:
That looks AWFUL!!!! It actually looks like Oblivion.

hmm.... Where is the resolution set? Is your video card functioning? Like, you can click the ATI icon next to the clock(if you're using windows).

You can set the resolution in the configuration utility outside the game (just below "Play" in the game launcher...). Although I had to manually edit the FalloutPrefs.ini file to set my native screen resolution (1680*1050), as the game wouldn"t let me choose it from its list.

My video card is fully functionnal, I have the latest drivers installed. To prove my point, here's a screenshot from FarCry 2 :

Josan12 said:
Everything i've seen so far of Obliv ... FO3's graphics looks amazing. I'm in awe.

But then again, the last FPS i sat down and got into was Halo 1 ..... :oops:

Actually, I did a speed run out of the vault *without* killing everyone (tough) and it seems the daytime graphics are at least tolerable. Mostly thanks to the abondant use of bloom and other blurs, but still, it does not make my eyes bleed so much.

Nevertheless, I can't believe this is the kind of graphics that gets praises of all kind from the press and gamers alike. Am I doing something wrong, setting everything to Very High ? Considering the poor gameplay and ambiance so far (I found a Laser Pistol after 10min in the outside world... sure...), I don't think I'll go through the hasle of finding the right parameters in the .ini files myself.

Anyway, doesn't anyone who read this board own Fallout 3 PC and is kind enough to take a few screenshots ?
Something is wrong. My settings are at "High" and definitely don't look that bad. I will take some screenshots when I get home (is there a console command or button for screenshots?)
Mine are set to ultra high and doesnt look anything like that... that looks horrid. Even on medium/low *I was testing for crashes in XP* it looks better.
My computer specs are nothing fancy for current standars:
Intel Pentium Dual Core E2220 2.4GHz // 2x1GB RAM // Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT.
As for game I use 1024x768 resolution [I rarely need more in games], and set all things on high [textures, all kinds of details and fading... etc.] but turned off shadows completely because shadows are this element of the graphics I do not care about at all - I simply do not notice them while playing so why bother and stress hardware with such unnecessary stuff?

Despite tha fact that I've chosen high quality textures they're aren't outstanding at all. When seen from very close distance rocks sometimes looks just awful with big pixels. Interiors of Megaton's houses are rather ugly.
Generally textures' quality seems sometimes far inferior than Oblivion [the same case: all set to max except shadows that are turned off] and are closer to Morrowind.

Game look poor when it comes to colours. There is something a bit too monotonous but not in a 'wow-wasteland-so-desolated-and-therefore-atmospheric-and-all' way, but rather in simply boring way. Still, I haven't seen much, I play FO3 very slowly.

As for distant landscape it make rather good impression on me as a bit better than Oblivion's.
Oh, and light isn't that bad [like morning]. But I am not very familiar with all this bloom-hdr-stuff so I cannot even form opinion if it's something good from technical point of view or really crappy made.
Speebs said:
Something is wrong. My settings are at "High" and definitely don't look that bad. I will take some screenshots when I get home (is there a console command or button for screenshots?)

Just press the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard, it will be stored in the Fallout 3 folder (usually C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3). You'll have to save the file in .JPG before you upload though.

Seelix said:
My computer specs are nothing fancy for current standars:
Intel Pentium Dual Core E2220 2.4GHz // 2x1GB RAM // Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT.
As for game I use 1024x768 resolution [I rarely need more in games], and set all things on high [textures, all kinds of details and fading... etc.] but turned off shadows completely because shadows are this element of the graphics I do not care about at all - I simply do not notice them while playing so why bother and stress hardware with such unnecessary stuff?
If you didn't notice shadows when playing games, it's probably because they were poorly done or too faded. Shadows are essential to give perspective. Turning them off shouldn't help your framerate in outdoors areas however, because there are none in this game as far as I can tell.

Despite tha fact that I've chosen high quality textures they're aren't outstanding at all. When seen from very close distance rocks sometimes looks just awful with big pixels. Interiors of Megaton's houses are rather ugly.
Generally textures' quality seems sometimes far inferior than Oblivion [the same case: all set to max except shadows that are turned off] and are closer to Morrowind.
I agree with you, the textures are very undetailed. I guess we'll have to wait for a texture replacement mod (no construction set needed for that one thankfully). For now, I avoid looking things too closely. Still, this is FAR below the quality of open-world FPS of 2008 like FarCry2 or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. And these two actually have a real lighting system.

As for distant landscape it make rather good impression on me as a bit better than Oblivion's.
Oh, and light isn't that bad [like morning]. But I am not very familiar with all this bloom-hdr-stuff so I cannot even form opinion if it's something good from technical point of view or really crappy made.
As I said, daytime is tolerable, oblivion style graphics. Just don't look at the sun, it seems it turned into a supernova much earlier than expected (maybe bombs were sent there too?).
Textures truly are pretty bad and polygon count is small... Well guess they had to do something to make it run decently on consoles (blah)
the worst textures I've seen are the wall posters in the capital preservation society (rivet city). they literally look like something out of the first deus ex.


this is NOT close up, I was standing at least a yard away and wasn't holding the RMB or anything

also notice that the wall is clipping through the poster

edit: I have textures set at high, I'd hate to see what it looks like at low
if posters tear they do so at the edges, the only way to get big irregular holes in the middle like that would be flame and the poster isn't discolored at the edges. it's clipping.
When I fist set the graphics settings on maximum I thought something was wrong with my video card. But that's what the 'ultra high' textures are really like. Fucking ugly. The ugliest I've seen so far are all kinds of signs and posters as well as the subway cars. With all the talk about immersion, the graphics in this game are sure out of date. This is what you get when developers cater to consoles. The only improvements in the graphics department over Oblivion seem to be the water and the draw distance.
The draw distance is pretty much the same as oblivion.

The difference is that the terrain in F3 isn't full of mountains/tall hills that constantly obscure your view.

When you combine the relatively flat terrain and massive amount of environmental clutter, the draw distance looks a lot bigger than it really is.