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You gats to find out if you is gangsta enuff, foo!
1. You just jacked some mo fo with $20 in his wallet. You can buy:
A. A dime and two 40's
B. A new pair of Filas
C. Dashikki down the block
D. Yo momma
2. It's da end of da monf again and da man is jacking ya fo da rent. You outta:
A. Bust a cap in his ass
B. Say, "Shit mon, why you be all up in my bidness?"
C. Have anuder kid on welfare
D. Yo momma
3. You and all ya homies are bangin down da block, you scan da uther mo fo's commin your way. If ya both jackin ya hydros and yall both draw yur rods, which of da folling happens:
A. Shit goes down in da hood
B. Ya check yur cullers and let the cop-kilers fly
C. Shit man, I do'no maff
D. Yo momma
Ya drunk haf a 40. how much iz lef?
A. Half
B. Da uther half
C. Zum mo
D. Yo momma
So dat we may give uh you ya cowrecked sco, sign yo tag heya.
You gats to find out if you is gangsta enuff, foo!
1. You just jacked some mo fo with $20 in his wallet. You can buy:
A. A dime and two 40's
B. A new pair of Filas
C. Dashikki down the block
D. Yo momma
2. It's da end of da monf again and da man is jacking ya fo da rent. You outta:
A. Bust a cap in his ass
B. Say, "Shit mon, why you be all up in my bidness?"
C. Have anuder kid on welfare
D. Yo momma
3. You and all ya homies are bangin down da block, you scan da uther mo fo's commin your way. If ya both jackin ya hydros and yall both draw yur rods, which of da folling happens:
A. Shit goes down in da hood
B. Ya check yur cullers and let the cop-kilers fly
C. Shit man, I do'no maff
D. Yo momma
Ya drunk haf a 40. how much iz lef?
A. Half
B. Da uther half
C. Zum mo
D. Yo momma
So dat we may give uh you ya cowrecked sco, sign yo tag heya.