it walks, it really realk walks !

Make it a format that doesn't require selling your soul to satan and being fed to a million fiery hell worms ass-first and I'll take a look.
sorry no can do, we've actually singed a contractual obligation with Mr.Satan. However, quick time does come with a very hadny uninstall feature :)
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...

Hehe, just kidding man!
I'm not really following WIMP too closely, but I assume that is some kind of besuited zombie? It's got a nice lurch there.
I like the lurch, though I wonder about the arms. There isn't any joint, when the arms sway, they do so in a continuous curve. If it was a zombie, it's one without bones in it's arms.

Is the helmet going to be transparent?
yup sure is a besuited zombie :) as far the helmet goes, not its not going to be transparent, though it has view windows in it, check the concept sketch posted up in the art forums.