It's a conspiracy..


Carbon Dated and Proud
Evidently someone on the Ufo : Aftermath is looking forward to Fbos, here's what he answered in a question about Ufo:Aftermath:<blockquote>Q: As you know, a lot of X-COM fans are watching this game closely; do you feel that UFO: Aftermath will be able to satisfy them, as well as draw in new people to the genre?

A: That is interesting question. We know what X-COM fans want we communicate with them daily in our forums. They want another X-COM and that’s something to be expected. I, for instance, want another Fallout, because I liked both Fallout 1 and 2. However, I don’t necessarily need Fallout 3 and that’s why I look forward to Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for XBOX, even it will be much different from the original series. And here is a similar problem.</blockquote>Ugh, does this make Ufo:Aftermath bad as well ? I was kind of looking forward to Ufo:Aftermath..
Link: Interview with Ufo:Aftermath
Just check the x-com fan sites, and you´ll understand why he feels he has to show some solidarity with Chuck :D
Seeing what the carbon press has been saying on the game it seems it sucks immensily. Then again x-com in RT, how could that work?...
The guys that made the original X-Com games are going to release a new tactical-squad game, by the way
the pursuit of profit is merciless. Ultima, Fallout, UFO, Might and Magic...the value of these old and famous titles is only measured in dollars. check out my article about PC gaming and feel free to ram your head against the keyboard. :x :cry:
Yeah, UFO: Aftermath looks like complete ass to me. I'm holding out for Laser Squad Nemesis: Earth for my tactical alien whipping.
Laser Squad Nemesis: Earth is looking like a winner to me, to bad the JA3 was scrapped. Oh and I still like to see System Shock 3, damn that second game was scary.
Odin said:
Laser Squad Nemesis: Earth is looking like a winner to me, to bad the JA3 was scrapped. Oh and I still like to see System Shock 3, damn that second game was scary.
you will never see System Shock 3. Looking Glass Studios, who developed System Shocks 1 & 2 (as well as fabulous Thief: the Dark Project) were shut down several years ago - Eidos apparently couldn't afford financing them, because they had spent too much money on Daikatana and suchlike.

Ratty said:
Odin said:
Laser Squad Nemesis: Earth is looking like a winner to me, to bad the JA3 was scrapped. Oh and I still like to see System Shock 3, damn that second game was scary.
you will never see System Shock 3. Looking Glass Studios, who developed System Shocks 1 & 2 (as well as fabulous Thief: the Dark Project) were shut down several years ago - Eidos apparently couldn't afford financing them, because they had spent too much money on Daikatana and suchlike.

Thanks for the history lesson, rat. System Shock 3 is not totally out of the question the license could easily be bought or used again, perhaps even irrational games may give it a shot since they helped co-developed SS2. There is still a chance we can see SS3 in a couple of years.
Isn't it Irrational Games who holds the license to System Shock ? That's what I thought..
Personally, I'd REALLY like either Troika or a Spectre named Warren to pick up the license for SS3. I believe both are capable to do the work required for it. Since Troika is already doing a similar game for V:tM, then it's just a matter of development time, license, etc. for them, as the engine they have for the V:tM game sounds like it should be really good for a project of that quality. Or, perhaps Warren could pick up the title after either Thief 3 or DE2 is finished.
What happens to a license when the company dies?

Does it just flot around or something because well the company cant really sell it beuase their to dead to do so.
Re: hey

Ratty said:
Odin said:
Laser Squad Nemesis: Earth is looking like a winner to me, to bad the JA3 was scrapped. Oh and I still like to see System Shock 3, damn that second game was scary.
you will never see System Shock 3. Looking Glass Studios, who developed System Shocks 1 & 2 (as well as fabulous Thief: the Dark Project) were shut down several years ago - Eidos apparently couldn't afford financing them, because they had spent too much money on Daikatana and suchlike.

Thanks for the history lesson, rat. System Shock 3 is not totally out of the question the license could easily be bought or used again, perhaps even irrational games may give it a shot since they helped co-developed SS2. There is still a chance we can see SS3 in a couple of years.
"a couple of years". how comforting. we'll wait 10 years, and instead of a real sequel we will get a bad remake. it wont even be called System Shock 3. they'll probably call it System Shock Enforcer or System Shock Reloaded and readjust it so that all "boring" elements like stealth, planning and skill system are efficiently removed. just look how they are mutilating Full throttle, UFO and other good old games and turning them into arcade shooters. yes, i know i'm bitter, yes, i know i'm a pessimist, YES, i know my charisma is 1, but every time somebody mentions remaking, reviving or continuing old game series, i get this urge to take a multibarelled plasma rifle and go postal in the city centre.

as for Warren Spector and his crew, i think they should forget all about System Shock and keep working on Deus Ex series. IMHO Deus Ex is a better game than System Shock. that's my opinion, anyway.
System shock 2 had that ambient scary feeling over it, the game actually managed to scare me. There's not alot of games that does that (except when I have my sorround system cranked up). The only let down in SS2 was that you didn't have any choices to make other than what to upgrade/level up, I'd like to see a SS game where you actually can make choices and the game will change accordingly ala Fallout.

I do hope that Troika manage to make a good vampire game, I'm looking forward to it. Just let us know alittle more about it.

As for all these remakes/continuing of the series I'd like to keep an open mind but when I do see things like they're doing with Fallout now, it really makes me tick..