It's a shame about the Fan Fiction board

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It seems everyone has stopped writing FanFics (me included), which is sad, since there are some really good ones if you flick back through the board. I'm working on a new story as I speak, so maybe all is not lost.

"I am become death. The destroyer of worlds."
Yeah, True Raven is also disapointed about it. With people divided between True Raven`s and William `s sites that could be a good hang out place for everyone.

Still, when the good folks at NMA start in rethinking the entire structure of this boards (there are too many, and too spread) i hope it remains, it has many of the best fan-fics in the entire internet.
Fan Fic will remain:

It will remain for Arcanum as well, I believe.

Some boards will go, I've been working on a culling procedure to decide which go. Personally, too much of the community seems a bit spread out. Anyways, I think it will go for a turn for the best.

The entire purpose for the spread was because of numerous 'were is watr chp?' question here, though I think possibly we might not have to deal with that. I *am* thinking of consolidating the Mages and Mutants Geneal boards together, possibly. Depends, I suppose...

Thoughts of the other admins here?
RE: Fan Fic will remain:

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-01 AT 03:30AM (GMT)[p]>Thoughts of the other admins here?

Boards to remove:

Anything in Technical Assistance Conference area. I mean, anything there can be said on this board.

Get rid of the General Fallout Discussion section, the general synosis was that you can talk about Fallout stuff here (as always), but not ask game-help questions.

Advertising and Project announcement: Allow anyone to post there (registered users that is) with no message queue for us to verify.

All Arcanum/other game forums: Move to the new No Mages Allowed site when it is created.

Move the entertainment forums to the Other Discussion Conference area. We should really have only two conference areas. It will allow the smaller forums have better exposure.


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RE: Fan Fic will remain:

I agree fully, Xotor.


"I am become death. The destroyer of worlds."
RE: Fan Fic will remain:

>I agree fully, Xotor.

Agreed as well, and I will put this into effect when I get a chance.

Today was one hell of a whacked day...
Things were looking up...

Don't fret about the FanFic sceen just yet... things are looking up for most of us.

1) The Illuminati seems to have reconciled with a majority of the regular members. A bunch of them have left but I've been working on getting them into my guild so the talent isn't completely lost. The Illuminati seems to have had a dearth of Fics lately, hopefully the quanity will improve soon

2) Slinky, after becoming completely disgusted with the censorship of the Illuminati (pre-reconcilation), decided to revive the Archives. They are up again and hopefully people will return soon. All the links work and her messageboard is fully functioning (hint hint). The Archives and my guild are sister sites who work together to keep each other's Webmaster duities as low as possible. All the "Classic Fics" are there so go back and read for some nostaliga.

3) As for my site... We are the home of a guild called The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild. Things were going great for the site and guild as a whole until I discovered that Annunaki was a name commonly used by the free masons and (strangely enough) satanists. Mysteriously... less than a week later...the index page decided it didn't want to work on 100megsfree anymore. The code changes itself when I save it so that I get nothing but a blank page and some javascript. I'm not kidding. Therefore I've decidded that moving would be a splended idea. Xotor has given me the heads up about so I'll try and relocate there. It'll take a few days but I'll let everyone know when we're ready to open the doors!

I think the FanFic sceen, based on the examples above, isn't as tired as it once was. Things are getting better and the NMA section for FanFic should just get better with it.

True Raven
RE: Things were looking up...

Actually I recall moderators stating numerous times (and in caps) to newbies that there will be NO Fallout-related material on this board, that it be directed elsewhere.

So I suggested a general Fallout board, where we COULD talk about anything Fallout-related.

But hey, do what you will...
RE: Things were looking up...

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-01 AT 03:15AM (GMT)[p]I don't recall that at all. The only thing I've ever heard was no FO game help.
RE: Things were looking up...

>Actually I recall moderators stating numerous
>times (and in caps) to
>newbies that there will be
>NO Fallout-related material on this
>board, that it be directed
>So I suggested a general Fallout
>board, where we COULD talk
>about anything Fallout-related.
>But hey, do what you will...

I had to go through great lengths to perfect the phrasing of the warning for this forum to specifically allow Fallout, but not Fallout GAME, questions from entering this forum. If I wanted it to be absolutely no Fallout messages I would've said (in big bold letters):

"This forum is for non-Fallout related questions or topics. DO NOT POST FALLOUT TOPICS HERE."


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RE: Things were looking up...

Whatever, I'm not gonna argue...

Just recall seeing what I saw, guess I was delirious or something...
RE: Things were looking up...

Seeing as how you're the only one that remembers it that way, it seems you were delirious.
RE: Things were looking up...

Okay, well I don't know why you seem so bitter, but all I'm saying is that I only suggested the board. I didn't make it, so I'm assuming someone liked the idea and made it a reality. I guess they were delirious too? I'm too lazy to go on a hunt for the specific post I *thought* I saw the comments in question, so I'll save us some time and take the blame. Alright? It was my fault. Whatever.

Still trying not to start a pointless argument...

Take a look at the Fan-Fiction board now... And if you think you can, try to help keep it this way.

And Raven... please, please choose your words differently... At your second remark I barely managed to supress the urge to jump into defense...