J.E. Sawyer talks mod management


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Former Black Isle/Fallout 3 developer J.E. Sawyer recently posted some helpful hints to mod makers at the Obsidian forums, mainly dealing with the issue of managing the process:

<blockquote>It’s not common for projects to be successful in spite of mismanagement. You can certainly develop a game or mod without tight management, but you might as well wish, click your heels together, and hope that things will come together. Management takes time and is neither fun nor glamorous, but it is of vital importance to the success of a team endeavor. I’d like to suggest a process and some general tips on how to organize a mod project. These suggestions aren’t necessarily the best in the world. You may even think they are bad ideas, but they seem to work from my perspective. These suggestions assume that you, the initiator of the mod-making process, are the team leader/producer/god emperor. Don’t get too caught up on titles; only ego-tripping retards really give a damn anyway. If you’re the one coordinating things and getting the ball rolling, this post’s for you.</blockquote>
Not exactly Fallout related, but there's a lot of good advice for anyone modding or planning to mod Fallout 2. Hint Hint.

Link:J.E. at Obsidian
Spotted at GameBanshee

Thanks to Odin, we now have the full article here at NMA:
Link: J.E. on Mod Management
good advice, although i wouldnt implement them all...

recently i was confronted with some management issues when i had to make a project for school (which was making an extensive JAVA based game in 6 months time). many of your points are applicable in almost any kind of project...

thx J.E.
Let`s ask Sawyer if we can put this as an article here at NMA, it does have many interesting ideas for Fallout modders, particularly those making TCs.
I also want to translate it to Polish and put at VDHP (many moders are from Poland).

It is good not only for mod projects but also for indie game projects.
I believe that Sawyer is fine with people copying his article, he said this on RPG Codex.
J.E. Sawyer said:
As long as you don't fundamentally change what I wrote, I don't care where it goes; it's "your" site.

Of course we could still ask him for conformation, for NMA specifically, it wouldn't hurt.

Would definitely want to ask him about translating it into Polish, since he might consider it "fundamentally changing" what he wrote. Personally I don't think he will have any objections, but again, it wouldn't hurt to ask.