Jade Empire

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I'm renting it today. Am excited, have heard lot of good buzz, and possiblity of lesbian relationship. I generally like BioWare as well.
Good, next time I rent a game, I'll remember to start a thread for it as well.

Did you created this thread to serve a placeholder for an eventual review? Or perhaps to stimulate a discussion about the game (in either case, you should specify your intentions more clearly).

I am certainly not going to buy an X-Box now, after years of opportunity. In addition, I am nearly completely certain it will be ported to the PC, even if it does take some time.
Usually, people start threads when they have something to say, versus act like a news repost bot or post in the equivalent of "I am thinking of wiping my ass today..."

If you were looking for opinions or specific discussion about the game, you really didn't give much background information to really support such discussion, nor otherwise indicate that is what you were looking for.
Ow. Talk about harsh, you two. Rosh was harsh and he didn't even have to bash Bioware to do it. LOL

Anyways, I'd give my opinion on this game; but I'd just hear cries of biasness and fanboyism. Nah, what do I care about that nonsense.

Jade Empire is an awesome game, imo. It's also Bioware's second best effort. It's also likely has the most mature writing of any game this side of the FO series.

The Rt combat is much better than i thought it would be. I'm not much of a fan of Rt combat; but it won me over.

JE is better than either KOTOR, for example, in every way that matters.

As for romances, yes, you can have a lesbian romance. You can also have a gay romance between two males. there's also a more , shall we say, interetsing romance.

As examples of maturity, however, I'll give some examples: Ghost Orphans and Wild Flower. You'll know what I mean when you see it...

Should also be noted that most (if not all quests) have 3 or more ways to complete them (and, always 2 at the absolute minimum). The character system while not the most complex is not as shallow as some claim. Afterall, how many games have 3 dialogue skills? Not too many.

Ch1-3 are amongst the best gaming ever. Ch4+ are a little too short, and lacking in freedom; but still hold their own.

All this said, if you really hate Bioware you will probably dislike the game because there are some Bioware traditions in the game...

That is all.

So Volourn, is the game good enough to buy an Xbox? How does it compare to the Baldur's gate series?

I read the IGN review and I surely wanted to try it, but, I don't know, the review sorta focused a lot on the combat and I really suck at combat, if you cannot use the pause button, and don't find it very fun either (Hmm, might be a connection there). I guess I have to learn, turn based seems to be out of fashion. Sadly enough, especially for me not so young, and not-so-lightning-fast-reactions-to-be-able to-push-umptieth-buttons-in-a-nano-second, type of gamers.

For example, they did not mention anything about levelling or the rewards/usefulness of playing an evil character.

Interested in your opinion
"So Volourn, is the game good enough to buy an Xbox?"

Depends on the price of the x-box. I felt it was worth it since I got a x-box for $80 and I just had to trade in 3 old PS2 games to get JE itself for free so for me it wa worth. If you have to pay $200 + buy JE then no; no game is worth that price.

" How does it compare to the Baldur's gate series? "

It's shorter. Freedom of movement is more limited. Role-playing is serious. You can avoid combat thoguh like all BIO RPGs there is still quite a bit forced fighting. You cna even avoid the final battle; though I doubt more than 1% of players would *ever* choose that option..

"I read the IGN review and I surely wanted to try it, but, I don't know, the review sorta focused a lot on the combat and I really suck at combat, if you cannot use the pause button, and don't find it very fun either (Hmm, might be a connection there). I guess I have to learn, turn based seems to be out of fashion. Sadly enough, especially for me not so young, and not-so-lightning-fast-reactions-to-be-able to-push-umptieth-buttons-in-a-nano-second, type of gamers."

You cna pause during combat. During the pause you can change your active combat stsyles at your liesure as well as change your current target. While the combat is definitely RT; it's not as 'fast paced' as other RT games. Much more amangable and you aren't normally fighting doeznes of enemies at once. The most - last i checked - was maybe 12. I think, while I agree with most of what IGN said, they did go overboard witht he score (just, as others like GS underrated it).

"For example, they did not mention anything about levelling or the rewards/usefulness of playing an evil character."

When you level you get 3 points to add to your three main stats which are body, spirit, and mind. These, in turn, effect your secondary stats health, chi, and focus. The primary stats also effect the three dialogue skills which are charm, intuition, and intimidation. You also get another set of points (1 per level so say at 10th level it would be 10 points) to spend on imrpoving your various styles (marital, magic, support, and transformation variances). As you can see, levelling up yopur character *does* matter in the game.

As for rewards/usefulness of playing an evil aka closed fist character. Some styles, gems (which are used in the Dragon Amulet), techniques, quests, and henchmen can only be had by an CF character. So, yeah, it cna be sueful and rewarding to be an 'evil' character. In many instances; it's actually more rewarding including getting the 'coolest' npc join you...
snow666 said:
I read the IGN review and I surely wanted to try it, but, I don't know, the review sorta focused a lot on the combat and I really suck at combat, if you cannot use the pause button, and don't find it very fun either (Hmm, might be a connection there). I guess I have to learn, turn based seems to be out of fashion. Sadly enough, especially for me not so young, and not-so-lightning-fast-reactions-to-be-able to-push-umptieth-buttons-in-a-nano-second, type of gamers.

Careful now, if we judged all games by IGN reviews they'd all be MUST-BUYS. They are notorious for judging a game on only what it did right, and completely ignoring whatever it did wrong, no matter how much it did wrong. So, read other reviews, gamespot's will tell you what reasons to not get the game.

I'd hold steady if I were you. After Fable and Sudeki were announced to be ported, I think there is a very good chance Jade Empire will be too. Other than that, Xbox 2 is suppose to come out this fall, which means you could get a cheaper Xbox and game library then.
Hi both,

Thanks a lot for your replies.

Volourn, that's exactly the information I was looking for. Thanks, mate.

Greatatlantic, I think you made a good assumption, especially if you think about Microsoft's role in JE. I guess it will take some time to port it, however. It is a sad thing that this might be the future. Not a lot of games worthwhile playing out there, and now there will be the occasional pearl that you might miss because you do not want to have 3 or 4 different consoles.
However, justa friendly warning. I'm a known BIO fnaboy, and in reality, JE is just a simple action game remiscient of BGDA. There is no dialogue, and you can win by just playing the attack button repeatedly with your eyes close....
Background: RPG-Fanatic. Fallout I & II were great, as were Baldur's Gate I & II. I like both combat systems - each have their own advantages and disadvantages. XBOX gamer dying for RPGs like the ones just described. Selection has been getting better (Thanks to Bioware and Bethesda - though Morrowind bored me). Unfortuantely, BG I & II on XBOX were more of a fun action-game / hack n' slash romp with minor RPG leveling elements. And Fallout: POS is too much a slap in the face to the originals to even mention. The latest Bioware installments have been more RPGish (KOTOR and Jade Empire), but still lack a number of things that made BG I & II (PC) and Fallout I & II such fantastic games.

First Impressions:

Pros: Compelling story, cool setting (mythical China with technology such as 'flyers'), fully spoken dialogue, control over stat progression and style point placement, combat action is fast paced and looks great, gorgeous looking game, sounds great in Dolby Digital surround sound.

Cons: Fairly linear exploratory ability. Can only search the area you are located in, and there are usually only a few things to do, as well as some side quests. Extreme handholding, at least thus far. In contrast I liked the way Fallout presented information, which was usually spotty at best, and you had to piece much of it together.

This game feels like it is catering to the Least Common Denominator (as Rosh would say) and I don't care for that. Perhaps make it more ambiguous but with a Help/Hint feature for the intellectually challenged?

Combat feels like X-Men legends, without the ability to call the rest of my team to focus on a particular enemy. While you can strategize to some extent, I have basically been using Dawn Star as a 'chi/mana battery', and doing jump manuevers over enemies to get in place for quick hits (think guerilla tactics), while using chi to heal (this is on the hardest difficulty / Grand Master setting). This is a case FOR turn based and the potential watering down of strategic and tactical combat real time necessarily imposes.

The stat leveling / equipment bonuses have been boring thus far: +2 to body, -1 to chi, +5 to mind, blah blah blah. I want variety in effects. The different styles are cool, but leveling them up tends to be more of the same: +25% speed increase, +50% damage, blah blah blah. I want to unlock more variety in effects and abilities as I level up (think technology tree in Arcanum). In all fairness, the transformation ability is cool (turn into some enemies that you have previously defeated such as the Demon Frog), and I am also only 2 days into it so I cannot accurately judge the game as a whole until I complete it.

Overall: It is a fun game with a compelling story. Should it be labelled and action/adventure game with RPG elements? I am undecided on this point. I am still waiting for a game that allows you to not follow an Absolute Morallity (ala Christianity or some other offshoot of Zoroastrianism) without coming across like a completely selfish asshole (well, if you're not the Christian type, then you would obviously stick hot pokers into a babies eyes, right??).

I have read it is about a 25 hour game - which seems to be more the norm for current 'RPGs' (while Morrowind seems to potentially break out of this mold, I didn't care to play it for more than 25 hours). What has happened to the epic gameplay of 'traditional RPGs' such as Fallout II and BG II (PC)?
There are Baldur's Gate I and II for XBox? Since when?

EDIT: I meant XBox. Not PC. Darn it.
I think the X-box titles were the Dark Alliance things... And I think people who are still making All your base comments need to punched. The joke has been worn thinner then crepe.
greatatlantic said:
I think the X-box titles were the Dark Alliance things... And I think people who are still making All your base comments need to punched. The joke has been worn thinner then crepe.
Anytime you think you're ogre enough greatatlantic - take your shot :twisted:

And the only reason I made the comment was because it is in Ratty's sig! :D

BG:DA I&II is most likely the proper way to describe the Baldur's Gate series on the XBOX (and PS2 - which is where it started I believe). It is a fun little romp, especially in co-op mode. But it is a far cry from a Hardcore RPG.
It looks like it's too late to stop - they've already infected the kids!!


Right up the poop shoot! :shock: