Jagged Alliance


Background Radiant
If anybody here doesn't know the Jagged Alliance series, I would highly reccomend it. It features exellent squad-based turn-based tactics, and the mercenaries are so colorfull they could compete with the best RPG's out there, too.

Anyway, for those familiar with Jagged Alliance, here's something you might find interesting:

On the site of Strategy First, there's a poll asking if they should make JA3. So, if anyone out there wants to see a sequel to this exellent game, go vote at:


JA3 is already leading with 51.9% of the votes.

And, on a sidenote, an exellent MOD to JA2 has also been released, called Jagged Alliance 2 Urban Chaos. I don't know if it has been mentioned on these boards yet, but you should really check it out at:


It's a forum, but the links to download it are posted on the main site. It's really and exellent mod, with a new game-world, a new story, new mercs, new weapons,... It's basically a new game with the JA2-engine.

Plus, it's got a great community too. It's a really cozy forum, and you might bump in to me there... Check it out!
Aaaaaah yes. Wildfire.

That would be a waste of your money.

All it does is add some new weapons, maps and subquests. Big deal.

In Urban Chaos you actually get a new game. Urban Chaos kicks Wilfire's ass so bad it's got its foot stuck halfway up there.
Hi guys! This is Shanga, one of the admins from Bear's Pit Forums.

I thought I should return the courtesy and join NMA to salute the fans of Fallout - one of the 3 big ones on my all-times list (JA, Fallout and X-Com). I took the chance and peeked at your site and I can only that I am delighted to see another great community around.

As Jebus already told you, there is a chance - even if there is a dim one - that Strategy First will be considering our much awaited sequel - Jagged Alliance 3... If you can drop by their poll and put a vote for JA3, we won't be shy to return the favour - anytime you need us.

Rock on... and play JA2 Urban Chaos while you are at it :rockon:
Well, JA 3 is way ahead, and I hope it will be more than just a dream. JA 2 was a damn good game, loved every second of it (I think I spent like half the time in the virtual gun store :) ). It would be a shame if it were buried just like FO 3.
Bump to remind everyone that JA2: Wildfire is now available. If you haven't played JA2, now's your chance.
I am shamelessly bumping this thread.

Just to inform you guys that, together with JA:Wildfire, Strategy First was also cool enough to include the entire source code!

You know what this means. Unlimited modding possibilities. Right now, a constantly growing group of C-knowers is trying to map the sourcecode. If any one of you might be interested in joining this project, and maybe give a hand in future modding, pay Bear's Pit a visit. If you want to join the project, there's a free 'Wite Hat' sign waiting for you ;)
Also, if you don't want to buy Wildfire, the source code is available there for free download.

Go take a looksee people:

sorry about the extremly rude question, i really mean i don't know the answer:"who has time?"

i mean, there are map modders needed for FBOS, and now a new game too, and now this mod...what do people that have time to do mod actually do?

they are sponsored people or something?
they are rich SOB's with more time on thier hands?

help me out here, because gaming in itself, requires alot of gaming hours..so,"who has time?"
Plenty of people on the Bear's Pit forums seem to have the time.

It's all a matter of passion really. If you are passionate enough about a game, you *make* time.