Japanese copies of the PC games


Antediluvian as Feck
Hey there NMA.

For those who don't know me, I am Risewild, team member of the Fallout New Vegas project named Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW for short).

TTW is always evolving and getting better, and we are looking for someone who owns the legal Japanese versions of both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and all of their DLCs.

If you own or know anyone who owns these games, please reply here or send me a pm.

Our team wants to make TTW compatible with the Japanese games and so this would help a lot.
I took a look at it, but I have no idea where to ask for this. I can't find anywhere it wouldn't feel like I am disturbing and out of context.
I also don't know enough about wikia so I have no idea if they have something like just a forum where people can just make threads that are not really about the games.
I found a forum but the sections to post there are about specifics of editing or posting on the wikia, not about general fallout things.
The thing is, they are japanese, there is a forum, and it is active. I would rather look into japanese communities than hope to find a japanese in huge international communities.
The thing is, they are japanese, there is a forum, and it is active. I would rather look into japanese communities than hope to find a japanese in huge international communities.
I have been googling for Fallout japanese communities and came with nothing :confused:.
I am inclined to just get a japanese vpn to get google japan or something.
Edit: Nevermind, just found out how to access google jp without any effort.
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Eeeew.... Reddit....
Damn. The things I do for TTW. :hide:

Eh, it's not that bad. Just make sure that the title of your post is eye-catching enough and explain it all nicely in the OP. Provide links and shit. Somebody will respond.