Ok, so far I have this:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript" defer>
var dp = window.open ("", "deproxy", "width=302,height=50,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no");
var docDP = dp.document;
docDP.writeln ("<HTML>");
docDP.writeln ("<HEAD>");
docDP.writeln ("<TITLE>DeProxy</TITLE>");
docDP.writeln ("</HEAD>");
docDP.writeln ("<BODY marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 topmargin=0 vlink='blue' leftmargin=0 onBlur='focus();' onLoad='focus();window.resizeTo(\"312\",\"134\");'>");
docDP.writeln ("
docDP.writeln ("<font face='XBAND Rough' style='font-size:16pt;'> DeProxy[main]</font>
[right click to go]
docDP.writeln ("<input type=text size=32 value=" + external.menuArguments.location.href + ">
docDP.writeln ("<center>
[ Close ]</center>
docDP.writeln ("</BODY>");
docDP.writeln ("</HTML>");
Now what I was thinking was take the value for the text input and subract 7 from it... if that's possible. There's a replace method <stringObj.replace(rgExp, replaceText)> but I'm not sure if it will work or not. Has anyone seen another way to do this?
>>Well, since I haven't bugged anyone
>>about JS recently I decided
>>I should
>>Anyway, I was wondering if it
>>was possible to strip out
>>the http:// that is infront
>>of a url? (for a
>>context menu in MSIE)
>In Actionscript which is similar to
>Javascript, I can use the
>substring () function to grab
>the characters from a certain
>location of a string and
>then use it to compare
>with. Then if the
>string matches, copy all the
>characters after the block you
>copied before to your new
>[div align="center]
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[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin