JE Sawyer mod summary


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm a little late to the party with regard to the mod, but I wanted to give it a go with a fresh playthrough. Forgive me if this has already been asked before, but what's the general take away from the mod? I saw the readme but after several updates it's pretty huge and just TL'DR. Can someone give me the cliffnotes version. The more important changes
You can carry a lot less weight with you, weight in general is more of an issue (but EW ammo is lighter), water/food/sleep rates are doubled, level cap is 35, Gun Runners Arsenal weapons are now integrated with the normal inventory of the game which means that enemies can use them too, armors have been rebalanced to make Medium and Heavy armor more appealing.
Stimpaks have been reworked as well. They weigh something and also come in a few flavours with your standard stimpak being the hardest to find.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
You can carry a lot less weight with you, weight in general is more of an issue (but EW ammo is lighter), water/food/sleep rates are doubled, level cap is 35, Gun Runners Arsenal weapons are now integrated with the normal inventory of the game which means that enemies can use them too, armors have been rebalanced to make Medium and Heavy armor more appealing.

Pity it ain't modular, some ideas I like others I don't.

The GRA integration sounds especially awesome.
What don't you like? What this mod does to the game is what I had hoped the game would be like in the first place.
person said:
What don't you like? What this mod does to the game is what I had hoped the game would be like in the first place.

Agreed, i mostly played during the troubled launch of this game. I picked up most of the DLC but never got around to playing it. Now with this mod and all the DLC i want to really experiance the real NV experiance (for better or worse)