Jeez, it's like a deja vu all over again!


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
We aren't the only fans getting fucked by a console-retard oriented development... again

I'm a huge fan of the Rainbow Six games and especially Raven Shield, and felt very betrayed after UBI released Lockdown.

I still had hope they'd do the right thing with the new game that was supposed to be separate from the console version, but it seems that Rainbow Six fans will be getting the shaft again.

Read the forum... it's a chillingly familiar story...
dude! whatever is good enough for console gamers is good enough for you!
what the hell are you thinking? you think pc's lend to better gameplay? that's bullshit kid!

*sigh* fucking consoles, why cant they just all simultaniously implode? i'd pay for that...