Next up in our feature called Fallout Developers Profile is none other than John W. Deiley, who worked on Fallout 2 and Fallout 3/Van Buren as a Designer. Here's a preview:<blockquote>What is your hope for future Fallout games? Would you like to be a part of a future Fo team?
I can only hope that a developer who really cares for Fallout and the universe it’s based in gets the license. I don’t want to see the game cheapened in order for someone to just “make a buck” or go with the prevailing trend of console gaming. I think a massively multiplayer online version of Fallout would be nice.
Would I like to be part of a future team? Absolutely. I can’t think of a better future. </blockquote>Hear, Hear! Some good stuff in there..
Link: Fallout Developers Profile - John W. Deiley
I can only hope that a developer who really cares for Fallout and the universe it’s based in gets the license. I don’t want to see the game cheapened in order for someone to just “make a buck” or go with the prevailing trend of console gaming. I think a massively multiplayer online version of Fallout would be nice.
Would I like to be part of a future team? Absolutely. I can’t think of a better future. </blockquote>Hear, Hear! Some good stuff in there..
Link: Fallout Developers Profile - John W. Deiley