John Wayne "points" to Cat's Paw


First time out of the vault
Found this in an old magazine.
A nother fun thing is that Fallout 2 is King Arthur crazy...

1. King Arthur Spesial Encounter #1

2. King Arthur Spesial Encounter #2

3. The Brige Keeper (From the Monthy Python Parody of King Arthur)

4. Arroyo (In the tale of King Arthur there is a forest that no knight
can ride through without having an adventure. And what is the
forests name? Bingo Arroy)
"Arroyo" means "Creek" in Spanish. A lot of places in California have Spanish names, as the land was once owned by Spain, then by Mexico.

I highly doubt the name has anything to do with Monty Python.

Pastmaster said:
A nother fun thing is that Fallout 2 is King Arthur crazy...

Another fun thing is your spelling.