jpg from full maps


First time out of the vault
is there a way to get full jpg's from the map the players walks around on in an easy way? so not the screenshot cutting and pasting together way?

so what i'm looking for is pictures like these:

but i need them bigger (preferrable 1:1 for editing reasons) and also from fallout 2

i'd like to use them for tabletop roleplay

so? anyone an idea how i could do that?
I don't know of a way to get the map directly, but you could try using the high-resolution patch to reduce the number of screenshots you have to take. The mapper might also be convenient for quickly scrolling around and changing maps.
Well, here's my preferred procedure... which works.

1. Install/run fo2mapper.exe
2. Press F8
3. Make accurate screenshots (F12) as much as you can reach with the ingame scroll
4. Quit fo2mapper.exe
5. Snip off the menu toolbar below from all relevant screens
6. Put the screens together accurately in some graphic program (for all needed steps I prefer Paintbrush, it's fully sufficient)
7. Save that shit! (preferably in PNG or better/bigger format - JPG's such a horseshit)
Jesterka said:
Well, here's my preferred procedure... which works.

thx for that, as soon as i'm home i'll try it..

does anyone know a way to do the same with fallout tactics maps? i haven't really looked into that.. might be easy with map editor... anyone know?
Wasn't there a function with that you can make a bunch of screenshots at once?
Thank you so much.. this will get me some maps for the game..

can this be done with fallout 1 as well?
Theoretically, yes. You just need to extract the Fallout 1 maps from the Master.dat and put them in the /data/maps/ folder of your Fallout 2 installation. Then you can open them with the mapper.

But some maps will have problems with not correct placed walls and or tiles, etc.