jsawyer without early level cap ?

Tiny Tim

Still Mildly Glowing
I've done my last playthroughs with jsawyer ( not ultimate ), and while i'm all for challenge and not being overpowered in games, i was surprised to see that the earlier level cap ( 35 i think) isn't working that well with the DLC. This is because, even with the changes he's made to earned experience, if you do one or two dlc early to mid-game you quickly reach level 35... and then the game gets noticeably boring. It feels weird fighting stuff or completing quest without earning any experience, and you also you suddently can't ignore how clunky and annoying the combat is. All in all, to play a big part of the game ( 2,5 dlcs as well as one third of the base game ) without any level ups and character customization felt unnatural and lacking and i'm starting to think i'd rather be OP, which i should be by level 35 anyway.

So, what's a practical way to keep the vanilla level cap with jsawyer? Can i change it somehow, with commands or something?

(ps: i'm playing with jsawyer right now, and i'd rather not change to ultimate as i want the rest of the jswayer stuff as is)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Having second thoughts about this, as i fear a simple change might screw a number of things such as the enemies scaling to your level, that have probably been adjusted in jsawyer to fit the new level cap. So, nevermind, i guess.
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