:9 I want much bigger cities were you could have like an own appertment or if you dont have money you would have to sleep on the street. becouse if you dont sleep you get tired and loose perception and stuff. And there could be like jobs you have to go to every day like if youre a cop, if you dont go they fire you. And it would be cool if you could blast open a closed door with your shotgun. And other people must have cars to, and motorcycles (and maybe boats!?) and you could use your sneak skill to like hide on a roof and snipe or plant a bomb on a car. And your NPC´s could have an own life not just follow you around. And other people should do stuff to not just stand in their rooms like in Fallout 2. thats some ideas maybe some are not so easy to do( I´m not expecting Fallout3 to be like Shenmue or something) but anyway