KAGA and the Worldmap.txt


First time out of the vault

So I revived this KAGA Dude - but I have some problems:

- How must I change this "worldmap.txt" file to get only 1 KAGA; by now I get up to three!

- Then what is the best definition: Ambush Player , Attack, Huddle or what?

- Is there someone out there, who will/can compile the script(s) for me ?
I simply dont get it, neither the ipp-compiler nor this ruby-shit seems to work, but at least the KAGA5 Script MUST be fixed....

There should be a condition that checks the Kaga encounter Global variable is set; this won't work if you haven't scripted this Global to be set when you get the encounter.

I might be able to help you compile the scripts, just send me a PM and we'll take it from there.

Da Corpse.
wow reviving Kaga would kick arse. I would love to see him in F2.

Hope that you be able to finish the kaga mod

Good luck :D

Hmm, I meant, how can I manage that there is always only 1(!) KAGA in each encounter ?

At the moment I get up to 3 attacking KAGA's (all the same of course) ;-(((

Can someone please change the line:

check_restock_item(PID_YK42B_PULSE_RIFLE, 5000, 5000, 100)

in eckaga5 (rndenctr) to:

check_restock_item(PID_YK42B_PULSE_RIFLE, 1, 1, 100)

and send me the (re-)compiled script ?
Because I am not able, to compile any scripts.....


Sorry, but I am NOT making a KAGA Mod!
It will be part of my (new) JonaMod instead....

Oh can you tell us some more about your mod please. I am always looking forward to new mods.

>Oh can you tell us some more about your mod please. I am >always looking forward to new mods.

Again I am mistaken.
The mod itself isnt new (you can DL it here from NMA)

I am simply talking of the new version, which will be based on the unofficial patch 1.06......
There I wanted to add KAGA, but perhaps it isnt needed, that is, if Celest has it already included (?)

Perhaps I will release a small update for my FO1 mod, too.....

Hi again!

Well.... KAGA is alive and kicking, but he doesnt do very well ;-(((
Especially the Level 5 version sucks - If no one will re-compile the script for me - because for now he cannot move or shoot ....

Without some help he will never become that ,what was -originally- planned....

The next version of "jonamod" will include:

- The unofficial 1.06 patch (still waiting for release....)
there will be some restrictions though.....
- from Jonamod:
- - some _Maps (with bugfixes)
-- a lot of Items (minor changes)
-- some critters (same as now)
-- changes in the worldmap (more encounters Including KAGA ( unfinished...))
- Unlimited Party members - removed (will be included in Patch 1.06!)
- Miria Mod (unchanged / still no level up)
- Ferrari _Car Mod (unchanged)
- Klint Mod - removed (thats cheating!)

so its almost the same as now; besides it will be based on the 1.06 patch!)

This will be (necessarily) a beta-version, because there are a lot things, I cannot do (yet) ....
So there is some assstance needed....

Why not allow Miria to level up?

Oh, well. You doing the mod, so no complaints. Hell, they've been pretty cool so far.

>Why not allow Miria to level up?

Dont ask me, ask this -silly- FO2-engine....;-(((

As soon as I add the "critters.lst" file, FO crashes (hangs).
Omiitting this file causes Miria not to level up .....

That will also be the restriction in using the -upcoming- Patch 1.06.
Since I cannot use additional critters (or items!), I will have to disable the "new" locations - sorry!

There was this Miria mod by... oh, hell, I don't know, he forgot to sign it in the Readme ;)

Anyway, the fellow managed to give Miria level ups basing on some of Jargo's B-Team code
Hello folks!

I uploaded a new version of my Jonamod some time ago, but it wont show up ;-((((

Seems, I did something wrong ???

In this version the Miria Mod finally works!
Also a first trial release of the KAGA Encounters are included....

Welll, Now I (we) just have to wait !???

Hey Jona.

I'm using your modpack but it seems I have problems with the Abby part. I get a "cant find city error" Any idea if this is fixable ?

Also with 1.05 included, shouldn't there be a falllout2.exe file with it ?

I saw the new car.... dunno if im going to keep it in, but hey its works :D. The guns seems to do allot more damage

Cant tell yet if there other things that are working or not

Thanks for xour feedback!
There is no use for an "exe" for OS X; but the Mac-"exe" is in the APP folder!

This Mod didnt work for the PC-Version (for me)), so I "only" could test it on Mac ! (Lots of crashes, or even no startup at all on my PC....)

Sorry, for your problem, but I couldnt locate any errors - it worked for me - did you install the included (modified) program and -of course- the patch000.dat file ??

Hi !

So, I got a bit further in this KAGA "Ptoject".
He has now a unique new Critter-ID
Also he has some Companions.....

There are still some Problems:

1. When KAGA flees, his companions do not....
How can I make them flee, too - which script(#) should I use
(for each stage)

2. These Encounters are exremelx rare
I already set the percentage to 100%, but still it shows up only once in about 20 Tries....
I would like an -almost- certain probability....

3. Still no one has compiled this "eckaga5.ssl" script (s.a) for me....

I would like to include this in V 1.00 of my Mod.....
