Kane and Lynch game footage

In looks pretty cool, but you need to change that av before Duckman finds you.
Damn you! I found his av!!


Don't worry my friend, duckman is lenient, and therefore duckman will let it go at this time. However, if in the future you choose another "duckish" av, duckman will be onto you.



Anyways, I lost interest when you said 360 and PS3, sorry.
duckman said:
Anyways, I lost interest when you said 360 and PS3, sorry.
almost every 'big' game that's nearing release on PC has a console port.

just pray they make a decent game & then dumb it down for the port and not lowest common denominator. but then again, when didn't that happen lately?
SuAside said:
duckman said:
Anyways, I lost interest when you said 360 and PS3, sorry.
almost every 'big' game that's nearing release on PC has a console port.

just pray they make a decent game & then dumb it down for the port and not lowest common denominator. but then again, when didn't that happen lately?

I'm sorry, I just can't help myself these days...
I like what I've seen, and I've seen a grand total of three screenshots.
Stag said:
I like what I've seen, and I've seen a grand total of three screenshots.

Yeah it does look good, but y'know these things rarely live up to expectations.
I'm looking into getting blood money, but I got FEAR instead. It's a ton of fun, my framerate is low as hell, though.

I've got 512 RAM, and a GeForce 5200, which should I change first?
depends on your budget. but both suck i guess. :)

a new (decent!) graph card costs more than an additional 512mb ram.
I have changed the avatar Duckman ;)

This game seems to be good, but I'm afraid about the multiplatform. Anyway, Hitman was a superb game, so, I'll give K&L some chance.

The game actually looks fun... especially the part where you start shooting the people in the club (obviously because the music there sucks!)