In a thread on our forums, Gavin "Kathode" Carter elaborated on two earlier news stories. In response to GameSpot's Fallout (working title) screenshots supposedly to be published by Bethesda:<blockquote>Yeah, we had nothing to do with this. I have no idea what that game is or why they attributed it to us.</blockquote>Gavin Carter also commented on the recent update to the job opportunities page at Bethesda Softworks, the Public Relations/Marketing Manager position:<blockquote>BTW, Pete still works for us in his same position and we still love him Smile He's just looking for someone to help share his sizeable workload.</blockquote>The resolution to questions lingering about two different news stories delivered in one tidy package, thank you for the clarification Gavin!
Thanks to Briosafreak for pointing the message out.
Thanks to Briosafreak for pointing the message out.