Keeping NPCs alive


First time out of the vault
Is it worth it? Right now, I'm at the millitary base, alarms blazing, and im surrounded by mutant corpses. The only problem is, Ian and Tycho and Dogmeat are dead..
Should I just keep going? Or should I reload to a really is a hastle keeping them alive..I have to avoid most combat or they'll get raped..
You can lock them in between green shield walls to keep them alive, if you're willing to go that far. I don't regard it as being worth it though if you're just trying to beat the game- especially if it's your first play-through.

In my experience, it's really only worth it for the feeling of accomplishment if you somehow manage to keep them alive until the endgame. Then you can remember fondly the first time you saw Dogmeat bite someone in the nuts. Ahh... nostalgia.
Generaly, if you give your npc's halfway decent weapons, I found that they almost never died in the military base. Best thing to do is run fast so you ingage mutants before they can, and load them up with stims, and maybe use a few psyco on each of them. If your just doind a run to beat the game, let them die, If you havent done the cathedral yet, they are going to die there alot anyways.
Ian can go to hell because he allways shoot you in the back anyways, and if you raid shady sands he'll try to kill you, Tycho is kind of good because he has leather armour and can use a sniper rifle/combat shotgun but he's still not worth the effort, Dogmeat should be kept alive at all costs, but hell, if he dies a heroic death, then take a minute of silence after beating the game.(picking on five super muties with large guns :roll: )