Keeps Crashing at the Atrium


First time out of the vault

Recently purchased and installed this game - but I'm having problems. I'm at the beginning at the game, just after taking the G.O.A.T. test. So, you then get the rad cockroach invasion, rush about a bit, start to go up the steps to the Atrium - bump into Lieut. Gomez - and then it crashes every time at exactly the same point, just as I finish going up the steps and begin to turn the corner.

I've uninstalled & reinstalled the game a copy of times - no luck. Removed Windows Live - no luck. Tried the 'official' Securom patch - no luck. Even tried a No-DVD crack/hack - no luck.

By the way, I am currently not using any overclocking on either my CPU or GPU.

Any ideas as to what I can try next?


Are you using the same saved game after re installing or are you always starting a new game? I had a similar problem that I traced to a corrupt saved game. Loading an earlier saved game did the trick.

Just to let you know that I've had no luck - indeed, I've taken a step backwards! As soon as I follow daddy out of the creche - after escaping the playpen - I get a CTD. Every time.

Oh well, maybe Bethseda will release a patch that enables me to play this game. Would be nice :( .


Have you tried to narrow down the possibilities as to what is causing the crash? Like, say, turning all the graphics settings down to the minimums and using the lowest resolution possible. Or disabling all background processes/programs, especially anti-malware scanners. Let us know what you've tried, and it'll help in diagnosing the source of the glitch.

Famous last words I know, but I think I got Fallout 3 working! I re-installed the game - and things got even worse, I always got a CTD as I escaped the Play-pen. Damn.

So I tried everything here:

No luck.

Then, as suggested here, I turned all settings to Low - and it worked straight away. Wow. next, I turned all settings to Medium and, yes, it worked again. Getting bolder, I turned everything back to High - and, of course, I got a CTD. Woops. Feeling lucky, I get the High settings, but disabled all antialiasing - and it worked fine :D

Since, I have experimenting with all the settings - wacking everything up to High or even Ultra-High. No problem - so so long as I don't have ANY antialiasing enabled.

So there. Any ideas why that should be? :?

