kerry and edwards

It should be funny regardless. If you let your political standpoint destroy your sense of humor, then I feel sorry for you.
TheDiscipleJohn said:
If you let your political standpoint destroy your sense of humor, then I feel sorry for you.

You are going to feel sorry for a lot of people then.
Bradylama said:
I couldn't resist Edwards's southern charms either.

The man is political sex.

Hmm, I remember hearing the same thing about Clinton, so I don't think that he is exactly political sex per se, but he does have great hair, no doubt.
That's pretty funny. I did hear one woman say that she liked Edwards because he spoke to her and "because he's hot."

Hey, whatever gets out the vote.

Seriously, if someone is offended, get a life!

Reminds me of the Bush-Blair Endless Love bit or the Bush-Blair "Gaybar" remake.

Anyone have those links? I saw mention of them but can't seem to find a download (or perhaps it's those conservative lackeys at work again).