well, im looking into it, but a method for slap dash, and this would be sloppy could be to add 1000 hp to each critter using set_critter_stat
and then check damage critter p proc to see when the hp level was below 1000 and then do a further check to make sure it was combat, and that dude_obj was wielding a lazer / plasma weapon ( or just used one, cant remember if thats possible, probably only weilding, but that raises questions as to how to check that was the weapon fired ) and then use the animation if dude_obj is holding that and if not, do 1000 damage to the critter, should keep the death animations varied as it would still reach the same negative figure as it would normally. ( youd also have to add checks for flamer and stuff to keep that animation )
( yeah I did say it was sloppy, but that would work. You would almost certainly have to check to make sure the critters hp wasnt above 1000 before adding, otherwise good old massive hps of 10k + would start to arise, which when unintentional would suck. Also, I havent checked 1000 is possible, for critters i think it is, but it may not be, i only chose that because its impossible to do that much damage in one shot, if it dosent work use a lower figure, like 300 )
Edit: You do appear able to add 1000 hp, at least up to a cap of 1020 at any rate, ( only tried it on the elder ).